Where in the world would I be without you? What kind of life would I have if you weren't strong in the gospel? What kind of person would I be without your constant example to follow?
I am so grateful for your constant loving care. For your testimony. For your teaching me in the ways of the gospel. Mother's Day is such a special day to me! I have these feelings for you all the time, but it is day to actually express to our Mothers just how special they are to us! And mom~ I couldn't have asked for a better one! You have always shown me the importance of doing what is right. Your example of selfless service is something I hope to always obtain also!!
We have always been close. My friends ask the question all the time "why is your family so close?...or....I wish my family was that close!" And I attribute it to wonderful parents who always had FHE and who were faithful in teaching us what was right! Thank you Mom for loving me, teaching me, laughing with me, crying with me, and most importantly just being the kind of mom I hope to be!! I love you with all of my heart! You are my best friend and my hero!!
I also want to express to my grandmothers, sisters, friends, sister-in-laws, mother-in-laws, my thanks for your constant examples in ways to be a good mother! I hope you all take the time to express to your mother just how important she is to you!! What would we do without righteous mothers in this world? It scares me to think where we would all be without the influence of our mothers or others that took their place along our way!! Love to you all!!
Sheri Dew says:
"....Without righteous mothers loving and leading the next generation, the kingdom of God will fail. Never has there been a greater need for righteous mothers—mothers who bless their children with a sense of safety, security, and confidence about the future, mothers who teach their children where to find peace and truth and that the power of Jesus Christ is always stronger than the power of the adversary."
I hope you all have a very special Mothers day!!!! I love you mom!!
Happy Mothers Day, Bonnie!
I hope you were spoiled because you deserve it!
Bonnie-Lou....I agree you have a wonderful mom...I am in the same boat as you. I have the ultimate mother. I could not have hand-picked a better one. And Bonnie I must say you are doing pretty good in the "mother" department. Keep up the hard work!
Love ya,
I loved that post about your mom and mothers, it was very touching! You are an amazing mother and friend and I am so grateful for you! I hope you have had a great mothers day, I miss and love you!
Bon- you are so sweet and lucky to have the mom and family you do. Happy Mother's Day
You are so amazing. Hope you have a great Mothers Day. Miss you guys.
I love It Bonnie, everything you wrote about Mom is the truth. I am so glad that we all take after her in some small world! Having a mother like her makes me feel like I can accomplish great things in life and gives me hope in raising my own children!
Hi Bonnie! Hope you have a very Happy Mother's Day today! You're a great Mom too!
You are so sweet Bonnie. What a wonderful mom you have and what a wonderful mom you are.
I hope you have had a great Mother's Day, you deserve it and so much more.
It is so true how moms need to be strong in the gospel, if they are more often than not their children will follow.
Thank you for sharing all that you did and especially for your testimony.
I loved this post! Its every mothers greatest wish to hear thier child say such wonderful things. You appear to be following right in her foot steps.
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