He is such a handsome kid. He really loves to learn and enjoys doing whatever daddy does! He is a great little dirt bike rider and a super skilled climber! He loves trees and anything high. I have found him on the roof before after he used the kid table, with a bike stacked on that, and then a huge matchbox car racer on top of that! It is a wonder he didn't fall!!
Caleb is very independent and is very proud of the fact that he can style his own hair! He does it in one of three ways (In his words)- "spiky wild hair" (which he is sporting in the pictures), "shark hair" (which is a fo-hawk), and "Missionary hair" (which he only does on Sunday's, part to the right)
I am so thankful that we found Mrs. Orton. He has learned so much from her class and really loves her! His last preschool class he dreaded and never wanted to go. Now he asks everyday if it is school day and I attribute that to Danielle. She is an amazing teacher!! She has worked hard with her classes and it shows. The kids can all count to fifty, do sign language to each letter of the alphabet and do their sound. They have learned about fireman, police officers, 911, animals, farms, letters, sounds, and tons more. They even have had field trips!! She is amazing!

Here are a few small clips from his program too:
(This is the finger poppin' song. It is funny when he notices me he forgets what he is doing)
(This is his group dance he learned....it is so cute)
We are so excited to do fun things this summer with the kids. But they will both miss school so much. Congratulations to our little Shnoodie on his graduation! We love you him so much!!

What a cute kid! I love his hair-dos. He does a great job of fixing his own hair for only being 5 years old!
I love the spotlight on Caleb. He is such a handsome boy.
The pictures are great!
The hairstyle is stylin' too.
How fun!! What a handsome boy! Eli's pre-school program is next week - he is going to be so sad. It was hard enough for him not to have school over spring break so the summer is going to seem like eternity!!
He is so stinking cute! I can't believe he will be in Kindergarten already. Time sure flies. Way to go CALEB!
Bonnie, he is sooooooooo handsome! What a cutie. I love the way he talks and his sweet little smile. All your kids are exceptionally adorbale, sista!
What a cute family. I found your blog through Christina's. I am so excited about seeing everyones families and what everyone is up to. Speaking of, I need to find Jennifer Anderson. Can you get me in touch with her. You can email her info to me at hummer72@gmail.com or leave a comment on my blog at bradskids.blogspot.com. Thanks so much. Casie Miller Hammer
I of course have a special place in my heart for the hair dos, being a hair dresser and all, I think he is pretty dang amazing!
Caleb is so incredibly cute! I am so glad that he enjoyed this year of preschool, that way he will be excited about kindergarten. Do they still have arranged marriages now days...I think Caleb and Alexa would be very cute together!! J/K Love ya!
He really is a cute kid! Very handsome! He's Kelsey's age, ya know. We could make the arrangements now & save them the dating grief later in life, right?
ENjoy them while you can they grow up to fast.. I miss my girls being little...
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