Caleb never ceases to amaze me. He has a way of bringing me back "down to earth" by his simple, cute observations!
A week after we planted our garden The weather turned pretty cold here. Beau and I were both a little bummed that we might possibly lose some of our garden due to the cold nights. So we decided to blanket and cover the flowers and the garden, just to help, in case it did freeze at night.
The day after we had covered our plants, I loaded the kids in the van to run some errands. As we were driving out of the drive way Caleb got this look of concern on his face and said " Mom, why are the plants covered?" I quickly answered him, glad to explain, that we were helping the plants to survive. His scowl continued and his eyebrows creased even more as he said , almost appalled with me, "Don't you know mom, that dad blessed them. And that they will be OK!?" It was a statement rather than a question.
And there you have it. The words of a five year old boy, his convincing faith that he KNEW the plants would be fine! I told Beau later that day my conversation with Caleb. Beau smiled and told me that morning Caleb and him said a prayer to help the garden survive. So Caleb in discovering that everything was covered was just simply stating the fact that he had faith it would be fine!
I am thankful for children that always have a way of humbling me! If I could only bottle their faith! I am also thankful for a husband who is not afraid to pray for, and teach our children to pray for the things that others might find "trivial." I am glad that he was able to teach Caleb and in turn, Caleb teaching and reminding me to just have a little faith! Thank goodness for my precious little ones!! What would I do without them?
Little tears filled my eyes (or maybe big ones!) When I read this! What a good little boy! I love children, they always seem to keep my grounded!
That is a very sweet story, Bon. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing that story. It really is neat to think what these kids are coming here with, huh? We have a lot to learn from them.
I would left a comment sooner, but I was getting ready to go to a movie with my girls. So wished that they were older, I so want to see Sex and The City. Guess I will wait for the DVD. :(
So have to see Narnia, It is good. Love you ,
He is so sweet! Little kids really do put life into perspective!
What a smart kid! He must have a GREAT parents who teach him what's important. :)
Such a great little story Bonnie. Children have such a way at looking at things. By the way, you do know that you don't have a post quota you have to meet right? And leave all the rest of us in the dust! Just kidding, I love to read them all. Keep em coming.
Hey you! I am writing from Texas, I will be home soon and get with you to craft! I love those frames!!! I still wonder why you are sooooo good at this sort of thing- other than the obvious reason. I can't believe I am actually missing my boys! And home, and Hans and even the dog. Crazy huh? Reading that story about Caleb just made it worse and I will have to call them all tonight just to hear them. See ya
What a cute little boy! From the mouths of babes. We seriously can learn so much from kids.
It is amazing how the little ones of today just seem to know and not question things, and that we as adults seem to doubt and question everything. Oh to have the faith of a child. love ya Aunt Debi
Shnoodie has always been such a sweet and tender boy! I miss him so much!I can't wait for more schooling ideas, so you should jump on that post! We started it a week after they were out, so of coarse i don't think your mean mom! It's so good for them! I am teaching them with the joy school books! We have the whole set.... music, activities and all! They love to sit at there little school desks! I have found some really good websites if you are interested! We do a half hour of school and a half hour activities! It keeps them interested just long enough!
Hey Bonnie~
I found your blog on a friends, then her friends blog....I saw your name and remembered you from Roberts Craft. I was Natalie Toombs at the time and got remarried in Aug of 2004. I hope it is okay that I lurked onto your blog?? How are you and where are you living these days?
Email me at qnthibfam@msn.com
Take care!
Natalie Thibodeau
ps... we have a blog but I will have to send you an invite...what is your email?
Cute Bon. Caleb you are so sweet!
Love you
one more thing~~ I liked your family quote at the bottom of your blog so I copied and pasted it to mine. I hope that's ok???
Hey Bonnie!
Natalie told me she found your blog so I am lurking too.
So good to see pics of your beautiful family!
I love blogs. It is so fun finding people and cathcing up.
Check out my blog at
Kids are pretty amazing huh. My kids make sure, if I forget, to have family prayer every night, even if their Dad isn't home. I love how close kids are to heaven. I wish I could be that close still. Have a good day! Casie
Its always so fun to see the faith of our kids and be reassured that we are atleast doing some things right! He is such a cute boy! When are you headed this way next?? I want to see you!
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