So I have been promising many of you who have requested for a long time that I would do a post on an inexpensive gift idea. I apologize this has taken me forever to get to. But I finally have found something that I hope will be worth the wait! Plus keep reading to see how you can WIN one!
A while back when I was browsing (O.K. yeah right- how do you just browse here) at Tai Pan, I came across cool framed poems/ sayings that were all done antique. They were so cute and fabulous. But in my own cheap and thrifty mind I was thinking "Hey- self- you could make these for a fraction of the cost." So I decided that this would be the post I have promised. I know many have also asked to have step-by-step instructions, so I hope this helps!!
1st~ Type up all the poems, quotes, or sayings that you like. (I just printed mine out on regular printer paper, but you could use card stock too)
2nd~ Cut the poem, saying, etc. to the size of the frame you have.
3rd~ Crumple the saying up into a ball and then unfold it, so it is nice and crinkled.
4th- Spray stain your saying or quote. ( I use Design Master spray satin from Roberts. You could use regular stain, although the spray stain drys in seconds. Or even dip your paper in tea to give it a old weathered look. The more crinkled your paper is the better the creases will appear darker.)

5th~ Paint your frames the color you want them. (I bought dollar store frames that were ugly and just spray painted them with a high gloss black spray paint.*hint* High gloss makes it not look like spray paint. So my frames cost me $1.00 each. I also found some bigger 5x7 frames at the DI for .75 cents each and spray painted them too!) Sand your frames down a little around the edges if you like that look too!
6th~ Frame your quotes and enjoy!!

*Hope This is self-explanatory enough!*
~ My friend Gina and my Sister Hanna have both had CONTESTS on their blogs. So I thought I would give it a try too! If you LEAVE A COMMENT I will put your name in a drawing and in a weeks time I will draw a name and mail the WINNER one of these loving creations!!) Good Luck!~ *blog stalkers..I know you are out there...you are welcome to play too~* PLUS I will throw in an EXTRA bonus to the winner. Another hand made SURPRISE just for you!
Bonnie! You are so good at figuring these projects out to save money. I love it!
Awesome! I love inexpensive crafts! I can probably pull this one off too. Thanks for the idea. I decorate in black frames so it's perfect!
Bon- mine didn't turn out as cute as yours, but I still loved it. Your dollar store has some seriously BETTER frames than ours. It was so sad. I hope I win!!!!!! You are so talented
Seriously...you never cease to amaze me. I think along with teaching how to cool crafts, you should also teach us how to mangage our time as well as you do. A mom, a wife, a babysitter, a gardner, primary presidency, a gardner, crafter, scrapbooker, chef... and I could go on and on. How do you do it all??? WOW!!
These turned out GREAT! You have such wonderful ideas that seem easy enough to try myself, although I am sure they won't look as good as yours. I love that frame for above your fireplace - awesome. Your garden looks great too.
Bonnie, you are so talented it makes me feel ashamed of myself. I need to learn how to do all these cool things. I had to pull Jonathan in just to show him your recent projects on your blog, and he didn't even believe me that you made the sofa table, he thought you just refinished it or something. So I had to read him the blog, and he was very impressed.
They turned out so cute, Ive always used "tim holtz distressing inks" for such things, but I love the way that turned out with the spray. Great new spin, now I have to go to the dollar tree. Thanks for always sharing all of your great ideas!
You are so creative!! Thanks for the fabulous idea!!
Bonnie Jo! You are so stinkin cute and creative. You made that sound so easy I could probably pull it off, but hopefully I will just win. Hint hint! Shane is getting tired of all my unfinished easy projects.
Count me in!!!
Looks awesome chica....You need to teach me how to make Frames:)
I love cute easy crafts. Thanks for the idea!
Hey Bonn, I loved your idea. I think I might try it this weekend. Your garden looks great and all the pretty flowers out front. Darla
This is awesome, Bonnie! Who knew that you'd turn out to be so dang crafty cute? I'm jealous because I am not crafty. Therefore, I think I should win your contest. Hee. :)
HI doll! I'll email later but wanted to say Holy Cow Savanah's hair is sooo long! They're all cuties! What a lovely idea--maybe one of these days I'll get motivated and do something like that . . . . :)
love ya!
put me in the drawing! im dying to win something cute!! i think i might try this idea! i love it! keep the ideas coming! i love doing crafts but most of the time dont know where to start!
Okay. I'm in too. You are too much. I am starting not to like you. Ha Ha! Just kidding. I just wish I had the time you do to do all these things in my head that I can never seem to get to. That is a really cute idea. I think I will do one for Kayla's teacher. THanks for the ideas. Casie
So cute, plus exactly what I had imagined! Throw my name in three times just for fun! The blog give a way thing is addictive so BEWARE!!!
Wow Bonnie....you're racking up the comments on this contest! I loved the frames and will have to try one too. Thanks for the fun idea, and the step by step instructions that are easy to follow.
Wow Bonnie....you're racking up the comments on this contest! I loved the frames and will have to try one too. Thanks for the fun idea, and the step by step instructions that are easy to follow.
I have had you on my mind a lot too, thank you for your sweet comment! Life is crazy as usual, but yes it would so much fun if we could live in the same ward! I miss you like crazy, call me so we can catch up! Love ya!!
BTW - I think I should win...I've known you the longest! (Ok, besides your sisters!)
Gosh Bonnie! I wish we lived closer so you could help me with all this craftiness!! SOOO cute!!Are you guys coming up to the reunion?
What a great idea! I might do that for Kailey's teacher. Thanks for sharing!!
Ooh, 23 comments. Yikes. I don't know if my chances of winning are very good, but maybe because I am your favorite sister, you will just give one to me.
I want this quote: "Is this chicken, what I have, or is this fish? I know it's tuna, but it says 'Chicken by the Sea.’" ~Jessica Simpson
Hey this is me, I finally made a blog page, if this is right, add me and help me add my cousins.
I'll call you monday.
hey bon! i love it! i am going to have to make some! (: love you!
Bonnie, that is a very cute gift. You girls are so talented. I love your posts. The pictures of the kids are great they are so cute. Love ya Aunt Deb and I have known her longer than all here sisters but Becca ;)
It's quite obvious that everyone LOVES your work, hence the number of comments you 've received!
I know I keep saying this over and over, but girl, you need to go into business!!
Love the new creation...I hope I win one.
Miss Ya
Bonnie, love the ideas please keep posting great ideas.
Bonnie I love to look at your site which I get to from Nikki's.You always have the cutest most creative ideas thanks for sharing!Bri.
I want to play! I may be too late! Dang trip to Idaho! ;) So cute, I am going to make them for my BEEHIVES! I am so excited!!!
I think I could handle that project...or it could turn into a huge mess of paint and slivers.
It's ok to laugh at my expense...I really should have known not to lock Holly in a bedroom with a young male dog! You should check out my post from today to see what type of education my dogs were giving my neices (who are all under 9 years old!!)
this is one way to get a BIliion people to post Bon...good idea. hee hee! Such a cute idea.
Love ya
It's not true what they say, you know. Friendship can be bought! I think this proves it! Hee hee...
Just remember those of us who comment even when you aren't giving away the fruits of your talents! :wink:
I absolutely love your idea, and I am absolutely going to use it. Hope you don't mind that I am downright stealing this as a decoration for our home! You ROCK Bonnie!!!!
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