I had so much fun doing Eli's senior pictures. I can't believe that my youngest brother is graduating! That is just CRAZY! Hanna, Eli, and I drove around to find some good natural backgrounds. It was fun to spend a a couple of hours with them.
Here are some of my favorites after some photo editing:
Love,love, love the pics, you did such a great job. Eli is such a cute kid.
You are so talented, Bon! If I had some time, I'd love to get into photography and get a nice digital camera. And your brother has grown up into a hottie! :)
Girly girl...YOu are so talented! You need to do our fam pix...Hey woman do you have a program to write words on your pictures???? I know I don't sound like I know what I am talking about...I am soooo bad at the picture thing!
Miss ya,
I had no idea you were quite the photographer. You just pull all sorts of talents out of your pocket, don't you! Great job- there are some great shots!
you and your photog skills are getting REALLY good. I am so impressed!!!!!! Your brother is growing up so much and such a cute kid!
Great Job!!!
good job on the pics bon- man i cannot believe that eli and erin are graduating!!! wow! hope all is well! (:
The pictures look great! I have a tendency to put my finger in front of most pictures. How is your family doing? All your sisters are married now?!! My family is doing pretty good. I don't know if you heard, but my parents were divorced and planning to get married again within in the next couple months. It's pretty funny. Julisa just had a baby and Tony & Julie have 4 kids now! Dave got married last September and his wife is awesome. Thats our update. Where are you living now?
I can't believe how old Eli is, I remember when he was so little! You did an amazing job with the pictures, you are so talented with everything! I want to know how you write on your pictures too, they look so cute! I miss you!
Tell me why again you don't get a business license and take pictures for a living?! You are so great- yeah, just wait until your youngest sibling has a baby! Then you feel old!
Bonnie, great job one the pics! Tell me, is there anything you don't do? Is there anything you do that isn't just amazing? You are just great and looking beautiful! Wish I could see you, now that we're moving closer to IF maybe we'll run into each other sometime! Eli is my brother and sister's age. Chad and Chelsea are graduating to, CRAZY!!!!
Great job, Bonnie!
You did a great job on Eli's pictures. Another one of your amazing talents! I made your pork barbequa and lime cilantro rice for our Cinco De Mayo dinner last night. Everyone loved it!! Thanks for the great recipes.
What a handsome brother you have.
You did such a wonderful job with his pictures...what are you not good at, huh.
You never cease to amaze me. I didn't know you did photography too. What a fun memory your brother will have, you taking his senior pictures.
What a hottie! Nice job on the pictures, I love the slide show.
Sounds like you guys had a blast! The other pix with all the kids are way cute too. Nice job!
Great job on the pics. Eli you are So handsome and have grown up SO much
Love Ali
you really did such an amazing job of Eli's pictures. We miss you already. Hope you have a great mothers day this weekend!
Well, everyone has already said what I wanted to say . . . but there are some things you can't put into words. I wish you had described the photo shoot IN DETAIL. Oh Boogs.
You really do have a knack for combining the right font and filters with the right picture--the guitar one is totally cool.
Great job bon- I love the guitar picture!
Wow, you did a great job!
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