~Here is my little garden turkey making a "feather hair" with the onions~

~The sunflowers that line the garden are over ten feet tall! Savanah planted them herself and I must admit they look so beautiful!~
I am so excited to start freezing and making fresh salsa!! I can't wait to get some fruit bushes in the fall and really add more variety to our selections!
If anyone has any good recipes for anything to can let me know!! I love trying new ideas and recipes!

If anyone has any good recipes for anything to can let me know!! I love trying new ideas and recipes!
mmmm...fresh vegies are the BEST!
I am so jealous! Make sure you try Shellie's summer lasagna, if you haven't already. (its in the cedar 4th ward cookbook)
That's awesome! Your garden is so beautiful and glorious! I am jealous!!! Why can't you live next door to me?
I am so jealous. You have got to tell me your secret so I can have an amazing garden next year. What do you use on it to make the plants huge?
I am impressed, is there anything you can't do??!! I miss you like crazy, when do I get to see you next?! Hope you are doing good!!
I don't have my own garden, but I have been raiding my families and friends that want to get rid of all of there crops they have grown. I love it! I am hoping to can some peaches soon.
I wish I would have seen you while you were here in Idaho. Why didn't you call when you went out to dinner with those girls. That would have been so much fun. I didn't really get to talk to very many of them during the reunion. I should have gone to the dinner part, but that didn't happen. I am glad you have had a really fun summer. I miss ya and your family. Tell Beau that I even miss him. Hee hee!
Your garden looks awesome. I love the white picket fence around it and the sunflowers!
You do a great job on your photography...another one of your many talents!
oooo i want some!! i wish we had a garden!!! yummmmm they look so so good!!
We learned the hard way, as well, not to plant too many squash and zucchini plants. They are extremely fruitful. It's good seeing you around town- hee hee. Okay, the only store I make it to these days.
Great job!! No need to buy veggies at the store for a LONG time :) Today I made some really yummy zucchini bread. I'll post it on my cooking blog. Good luck finding new recipes!!
Oh Bonnie, your garden turned out beautiful! Those fresh veggies look so yummy...mmmmm
You are an "offical mormon" with a garden like that. Way to go on all the planting. I wish we could plant one,but our chocolate lab would dig it up.
aWeSoMe garden Bon. I'm not surprised at all.... I can see your dad in you so much. He really has taught all of you so many great talents and values. I really admire your dad and you girls for following in his footsteps. (mush over) I have the best recipe for a zucchini bake if you haven't tried that. YUM! Let me know if you want it.
Your kids are so adorable, I miss all of you and still want to come visit you!!
Wow! Your garden is amazing! I love fresh veggies!!
OK. How do you do it all? Mother of three photographer, decorator and garndener. You are amazing!
gardens... i couldnt' be more jealous! how fun!! there is nothing better than going out and picking "fresh dinner"! yummy! that is a lot of work to grow that great of a garden.. i'm way impressed.. but not surprised!
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