(Pause the music until the slide show if you don't want to listen while you read)
Call me crazy but I have to mentally prep for this day! (Large quantities of Diet coke, several boxes of Kleenex, mounds and hordes of antibacterial hand sanitizer...oh the germs, don't get me started. And some sort of yummy fattening treat to indulge myself with) I know I am strange! Many mothers are overjoyed with the fact that they have freedom from their children. And although I enjoy time to myself too, I am also one of those mom's who dread school. The what if's in my mind are endless. What if their teacher doesn't like them? What if they hate school? What if they gets embarrassed? What if she can't unbuckle her pants before she makes it to the bathroom? (Ha...don't laugh ..... that happened to me in first grade....and it is a memory I try to suppress)
I mean come on people, can't they just make a magic pill for mothers like me that make us float around on "cloud nine" instead of going into sheer panic mode! Don't get me wrong, once I fall into the routine of things and know that my daughter is happy and loving school....I can enjoy it too! But until then, watch out!
I am sure many feel nostalgic walking back into a classroom. But looking at those kids faces with their awkward expressions of scared, happy, excited, and nervous emotions mixed together, made my face start twitching and I could slowly feel that same paralyzed look wash over me!(breath breath breath breath breath.....is what I had to repeat to myself several times)
I was doing good all things considered. My tear ducks seemed to be dry ...which was an added bonus, so I wouldn't embarrass my poor daughter.
I probably hovered a little longer than I should have. I probably scared children with that frightened look on my face. I probably laughed to hard at something a parent said that probably wasn't even funny.
With one last glance and a few more over explanatory comments to the teacher....I strolled away. There. I could feel my face soften slightly as I walked down the hall to the outside doors. I made it. No tears. No hyperventilating. I think I even smiled as I started down the sidewalk, Caleb at my side, and Kennedy in the stroller. I did it! I wanted to shout for joy!
It only took that ONE second to pull me back to reality and quickly feel my face paralyze back up when Caleb said "Mommy, I can't wait to start kindergarten next week!"
Tears ducks...not so dry!!!
(here are a few picture of Savanah's first day of First Grade, along with her Kindergarten and some age 4 pictures...man has she grown. I loved this song from Mama Mia/once by Abba.....I hated the show but fell in love with this song! I know it is only First Grade but I do feel my little girl slipping though my fingers and growing up! )
3 weeks ago
Ahh, The day that seems so far away but comes way too fast, I am Not looking forward to that!
How cute are you! She looks so cute and I am sure she is going to love 1st grade!!!
Good times those were for me when our kids were little!!! Hang on to those feelings!! She looks just like you Bonnie!
I know how you feel and sadly those feelings don't go away until about 4h grade:) Why do we cry so much when we are away from our kids? I struggle with this so much(you know my story with the Ex, and they are gone a lot in the summer with him)
The fact that they will be at school,in a place without mommy to help them all day and I can't make sure they are happy. Is SOOOOOOO tough. But, they love that independence and you will as well soon.
Thanks for the post~
i cant imagine what i will be like when jax starts school.. probably the same way you are. i mean i cried that he was turning one. no worries, you arent alone!
wait a tic!!!!!!! You hated Mamma Mia!?! I guess I loved it so much because I was with my mom and sister. I just loved it and wanted to get up and dance. I guess that must have been the Dr. P that I was drinking!
I'm sad that kids have to grow up. Wouldn't it be nice if they could stay young forever? You know there is a way, just ask my friend Edward. Okay, I'm lame!
Hang in there Bon! I hope it gets easier for you! I am laughing at their school sign- They are the POLAR BEARS!!! What a mascot!!!
that music totally made me tear up!! Tay's kindergarten is all day and at first I was like "Yes!!! I can get so much done with one kid at home that naps for a few hours in the day!" the closer it gets to school time the more panick i feel. i'm a total what if mom too. ahhhh!!!!!
Love all the pictures of Savanah...she is so beautiful and looks so grown up! She will have such a great time. And all the what ifs, I just have to hold myself back from thinking all of that or I would freak out! The bathroom/button story was funny, but I'm sure when it happened it was not funny at all...dang it.
I am in the same boat with you Bonnie, Nick is going to 7th grade, I am excited and sad, my baby boy is a 7th grader & has to ride a bus, Liz is going in 5th grade and to a school around-about 7th st, & then there is my Hanna, she will be also going to Kindergarten this year. Nick & Liz will start the 25th & Nan will start the 28th & all three of them will be going to different schools. My head is spinning. Some dry tear ducts are not in the cards.
Love you
okay first of all that song gets to me everytime. and i have to say that i am totally going to be the same way when my little guy has to go to school. love the first day of school pictures she looks so cute!
She looks so cute and she really has grown so much. Just to comfort you they just keep growing and it seems to get faster too :( But just love each moment.
That is such a cute song- I have never heard it before. Um, yeah, I'm one of the "shout hooray" moms that you are not. I probably will be a little more concerned when it is first grade and not just two days of preschool a week. I hope...
I thought I was looking forward to school starting until I realized today that it's NEXT WEEK!!! Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they'll be back on a schedule finally, and I thought my house would stay clean for the day at least, but I do watch kids every day, and they come Tuesday, and, oh no, now I'm hyperventilating! Okay, it will be okay, we will all make it. Hang in there!
oh...I am so sad this year to have all 3 in school. I HATE IT:( I already miss them and they have not even started...
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