So, I had all my essentials, once again, ready to go. Chocolates galore, tissues, hand sanitizer, magazines, etc. I was prepared for a "rematch of tears", like when Savanah went to Kindergarten and just recently first grade. But surprisingly I did GREAT!! (It is sad when you are the mom and are more nervous than your child!)
Caleb was so excited! He asked Beau last night to make him German Pancakes for his first day of school. Beau, of course, did, and Caleb was so excited the whole morning. He picked his clothes out last night and went right to bed at bedtime!
The kids asked if they could ride their bikes to school today, so I loaded Kennedy up in the stroller, and we walked! (It was great exercise trying to keep up with Savanah and Caleb on their bikes...we may have to do that more often!:) And of course Kenny had to wear her "batpack" as well!)

Caleb kept grinning from ear to ear. Beau met us at the school and we walked Caleb in together. We are so excited for his teacher this year. She is new to North Elementary and we already love her! She exudes happiness and is so FULL of LIFE! I know the Lord answered our prayers and put Caleb with the best teacher that will meet his needs!!

I only got nervous walking out of the classroom. But as soon as I was in the car I was good. I think I might actually enjoy a little break after all!:) When I picked him up, he went on and on about his teacher and the field trip they get to go on soon!
I am so glad that he loves school already. I know he is going to be a great student and really learn a lot this year!!
I am so glad that he loves school already. I know he is going to be a great student and really learn a lot this year!!

SO cute! Benson and I went to meet his teacher today and he is totally excited to start next tuesday. Caleb you look So handsome and all grown up.
love ya Aunt Ali
he looks so cute and happy to be in kindergarten~
Do you just have the baby at home now during the day?
That's awesome he is so excited for school. I'm sure you'll enjoy the time you have while their gone. I know I sure do!
Caleb is a cute kid! He looks thrilled to be grown up enough to go to school.
All 3 of my kids are at home still and I'll admit I'm looking forward to a break in 2 years when Gideon goes to Kindergarten. I'm sure I'll have mixed feelings when the day finally arrives. :)
he looks so excited to be in school! you guys are such a cute family:}
What a happy boy you have. You have been blessed with amazing kids. I do wish that you lived closer so during the day we could have playdates with the little ones. Maybe one day!
He looks so cute and excited. For some reason I always think he is your oldest when I see pictures of him!
That is awesome that you did so good! :) Just kidding! I am glad Caleb had a great first day. It is hard when the kids start getting older and going to school. They just seem too old. I miss you tons and tons and I am sad Beau totally forgot I had another baby? What's up with that Beau???
What a handsome boy!! Congrats on keepin' it all together, he looks so excited!
funny how the second one is different than first...well for me it has been. 1st grade is harder:(
What a grown up little boy you have. I can't believe it. I miss you guys sooooo much. I wish we could hang out and go to Carino's and Kirk can order an odoul's and we can get Beau to try it again. Good times those were.
I am glad you did well dropping Caleb off. It is very hard for a mom. You are doing a great job. He looked so excited in all those pictures, you can totally tell.
Good job! I'm impressed that you held it all together. Must just be the first one or two that it's super hard with huh? Well, he looked great! What a cute kid!
I am a big girl now. I didn't tear up to see my eldest walk to the door to his Jr. high, but i just might cry when I walk Hanna to his first day on Thursday. This now means that I will have the house to myself on my days off from work. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO???? oh that is right i may get some house work done, yeah right, I am going to enjoy the quiet. Love you Bonnie and they are growing fast.
Yeah for you Bonnie...I am so glad it was easier for you this time.
Seeing the picture of Caleb standing by the North Elementary sign makes me sad...I miss driving down 600 West :(
You have such adorable little man. They grow so fast learn so much it is so fun to watch them! Enjoy them
Everyone has a “First Day” when they feel sad and all alone. It can be so scary when you’re out on your own. Take my hankie, dry your tears. You’ll find lots of things to do and you’ll probably make new friends. I promise we’ll be together when the school day ends. Here comes the teacher, blow your nose and be brave. Come on now wipe your eyes, this is no way to behave. “Well, good morning teacher. We really must beg your pardon. No, MOMMY doesn’t always act this way. But it’s my first day of … KINDERGARTEN!”
How exciting! He looks so cute. I understand that nervous mom feeling. When Kailey came home I could hardly get any exciting news from her...she was like "Mom, it was school, no big deal." Enjoy your time at home!
He looks so handsome! I am so glad that he was so excited!! I hope Gabe feels the same, soon! Thank you so much for all of the help you gave me while we were in Utah. It is so nice to have family to love and support you when you are going through a hard trial in life! I love you and can't wait to come visit you!
I'm glad that you did so well! Hooray for you! I know that I'll be a big bawl baby on my daughter's first day. I cried when she went to Nursery!
Wow, you are miss popular with all of these comments!! I can't believe how fast our kids are growing up, where does the time go? Caleb looks so cute and I am so glad that he is excited about school. When are you moving this way?! I miss you a ton!!
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