So I am not sure how many of you are familiar with the "Duggars" family. Ya know, the lady who has 18 children. I will admit when I heard about her I was skeptical and had already judged her in my mind of all the many reasons that was WAY to many children. However, watching their families series occasionally on TLC has totally changed my mind. She is AMAZING! If anyone could have that many children it would be her and is her! Not only did I totally misjudge her, I also never realized how much I would look up to her. Call me crazy but she is FABULOUS!!!!
There home is gorgeous and massive. In perfect order, she home schools, also spends regular one on one time with her children, she teaches them to be self sufficient, how to manage money, they are completely debt free, they teach their children about God, and she is FRUGAL!!
So anyways we watched this series where she told all the ways they cut corners to penny pinch. And she showed how they made their own detergent. Beau happened to be watching it with me and kept saying "let's try that." He was more enthusiastic about it then me, but I decided it couldn't hurt. So we turned it into our "Frugally Fabulous FHE" and had the kids help out! It was a blast and seriously works just as well as my Tide!!
So anyways we watched this series where she told all the ways they cut corners to penny pinch. And she showed how they made their own detergent. Beau happened to be watching it with me and kept saying "let's try that." He was more enthusiastic about it then me, but I decided it couldn't hurt. So we turned it into our "Frugally Fabulous FHE" and had the kids help out! It was a blast and seriously works just as well as my Tide!!
Here is what you need~

*In a saucepan bring your water to boil on med/high
*While the water is boiling, grate one bar of your soap.
(She recommends Fels -Naptha, Ivory, Sunlight, or Zote's bars. But after researching online, I found another lady who changes the recipe and buys whatever soap is on sale. I used Ivory and my mom has tried the Fels-Naptha)
*Slowly stir in soap flakes, a handful at a time, into your boiling water.
*Stir until soap is dissolved and melted

*Fill your 5 gallon bucket halfway full with hot tap water.
*Add your melted soap mixture, baking soda, and Borax.
*Stir until powder is all dissolved
*Fill the rest of your remaining bucket up with more hot tap water.
*Stir again
*Cover with lid and let sit for overnight or 24 hours to thicken
(all liquid concoctions will be different depending on the type of soap you use. Mine was a slightly gell-y watery substance.)
*After your liquid detergent sits for allotted time frame, Stir. And fill a liquid soap dispenser (I used an old fabric softener container) and fill halfway full with mixture. Fill the remaining container full with hot water. (So every time you dilute your mixture)
*Shake before every use
Yields: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons
*Top load washer -5/8 cups per load (approx. 180 loads)
*Front Load washer- 1/4 cup per load (approx. 640 loads)
This was so easy to make and I really feel like it cleans well. I used a non-scented bar of Ivory. But I think next time I will try the scented for a smell.
All the supplies (including bucket and lid and tax) cost $8.96. After I did the math on how many loads I can make out of the baking soda & Borax it cost us
$1.86 for the ten gallons. (640 loads)
If any of you try this I want to hear what kind of soap you use and how you like it to!!

*In a saucepan bring your water to boil on med/high
*While the water is boiling, grate one bar of your soap.
(She recommends Fels -Naptha, Ivory, Sunlight, or Zote's bars. But after researching online, I found another lady who changes the recipe and buys whatever soap is on sale. I used Ivory and my mom has tried the Fels-Naptha)
*Slowly stir in soap flakes, a handful at a time, into your boiling water.
*Stir until soap is dissolved and melted

*Fill your 5 gallon bucket halfway full with hot tap water.
*Add your melted soap mixture, baking soda, and Borax.
*Stir until powder is all dissolved
*Fill the rest of your remaining bucket up with more hot tap water.

*Cover with lid and let sit for overnight or 24 hours to thicken
(all liquid concoctions will be different depending on the type of soap you use. Mine was a slightly gell-y watery substance.)
*After your liquid detergent sits for allotted time frame, Stir. And fill a liquid soap dispenser (I used an old fabric softener container) and fill halfway full with mixture. Fill the remaining container full with hot water. (So every time you dilute your mixture)
*Shake before every use
Yields: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons
*Top load washer -5/8 cups per load (approx. 180 loads)
*Front Load washer- 1/4 cup per load (approx. 640 loads)
This was so easy to make and I really feel like it cleans well. I used a non-scented bar of Ivory. But I think next time I will try the scented for a smell.
All the supplies (including bucket and lid and tax) cost $8.96. After I did the math on how many loads I can make out of the baking soda & Borax it cost us
$1.86 for the ten gallons. (640 loads)
If any of you try this I want to hear what kind of soap you use and how you like it to!!
Shazam!! That's too freakin sweet!! I love pinching my pennies and I'm so going to try this:0) Thanks Bon!
I'm so trying this, that is awesome!!!!
That's awesome! One of my friends taught us how to save money at an enrichment activity. She found a recipe for dry detergent. So if you like that verses liquid here's a link for that. It's basically the same thing.
wow.. I saw that episode too. I love the duggers :) seriously felt the same way about people with that many children, but I also think that they do it very very very well. they have great kids.. well behaved. amazing. I might have to try this. i dunno. i should huh.
Thanks for all the details! I've been looking into this and your post is by far the best. I've been a little hesitant to try it because I'm a Tide girl, but you've convinced me to give it a shot.
Are you sure it's baking soda? My mom's recipe calls for WASHING soda and specifically mentions "not BAKING soda". Just checking.
Again, thanks so much!!
That really IS fabulous! So, do you just store the extra detergent in the bucket until you need to refill? And it really cleans as well as Tide? I think I will have to give it a go!
Christina...hers does say "washing soda" but when I studied it online...all the other ones I had found had used baking soda. But let me know what you find out. What int he heck is "washing soda"?
Hey Bonnie-
Have you thought of using Fels Naptha
bar for your soap. It is 100% natural and has been around forever. I already use it as a pre-spot and it works great! I know here we can get it at Winco or Broulims-not sure about Walmart
I am going to try this Bon. I wanted to after mom and dad did it, but now that I have two opinions I will definetly be collecting the supplies.
That is so awesome i need to try it I am all about saving money. I can't believe your almost due that is crazy I am excited for you.
I have the show on tivo. I love watching this show. I caught a in sight of the Duggers back when they were prego of with the 16th baby and they were building the massive home you see now. Jim Bob and the older boys did most of the building. If they were stuck, they would call in some one to show/help them with it. The girls also helped some. My favorite part of the house the kitchen. It is huge and there is a soda fountain of coke products. HEAVEN.
Bonnie this is going to be weird and I did not read your blog first, I made a indirect comment about the Drugger's in my blog, too.
I am SO Doing this!!!! You are so great to pass on these little golden nuggets of wisdom you find! Thanks Bon!
I think I might give it a try....for $1.68 what do I have to lose? Thanks for the tip....
I ran across this recipe a few a weeks ago and have been meaning to try it. Thanks for the reminder. Good luck getting your little guy here.
That's so awesome! Do you think it works good on sensitive skin?
YOU are fabulous Bon- Keep passing along all these great ideas. And I hope Winco still has everything I need. Sounds like I better hurry or I'll miss my chance with everyone else getting the stuff too. Good luck with baby#4!
Wow that is awesome homemade detergent! I watch that show sometimes also and just sit back in awe.
Can't wait to try it! Thanks
Thanks Bon you are awesome for sharing such great ideas. Always looking for way's to cut on the budget. Thanks for always inspiring me>
We just made this tonight!!! I used Irish Spring Soap! It smells super good, but I have a little more of my last stuff left before I can try it! I am also making home made dishwashing detergent!!! I'm so excited because it cost me a TON less and I am almost out! YAY for saving Money!
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