~Pregnancy this far~

So I have been wanting to do a post for some time , for myself mostly so I remember on all the things I love and not so much have loved about this pregnancy.
Fun Random Facts
*I was really sick for the first 6 months.
*I have craved Sushi this entire pregnancy
*I can't seem to get enough water
*I LOVE feeling the baby growing and moving inside of me!
*I haven't been too emotional until this last month! Watch out!!
*I am a clean freak, but you would never know it! Seriously this pregnancy has exhausted me and I have a hard time keeping up with anything!
* I seem to have lost my sense of spelling, math, and balance.
* I am scared to have four kids. It seems like a lot, but I am excited to see how we all adjust!
*I have feared the whole time something would go wrong and we won't get this baby.
*I have loved being able to eat whatever I want and not feel guilty!
*I haven't slept very well since about 6 1/2-7 months along. So I am extremely EXHAUSTED most of the time!
* I LOVE NESTING!!!!(My house appreciates it too)
* I have the most realistic vivid dreams while I am pregnant!
*This is the first pregnancy I feel so ready to be done with!
*I hope all the kids will adjust easily to a new little man in our house. I am not worried about the two older children, but I do worry how Kennedy will do.
*I hope I recover quickly and get on a schedule fast!
* I hope for a great delivery (NO C-SECTION/fingers crossed) It has been 6 years since I had a good experience and I CRAVE it but find I am NERVOUS!
* I hope that I can be a good mother and not feel too overwhelmed.
*I hope that this little guy will feel so extremely loved by his family! We are all so anxious and ready and love him so much already!
Can't wait
* To hold him
* To touch his fingers and toes and look at his face
*To be skinny again (yeah right, it always takes me forever)
*To sleep at night
*To rock him to sleep
*To feel like my heart has expanded beyond any reasonable measure!!
*To feel that feeling the second you hear the baby cry...that feeling that is indescribable!!! The feeling that this child just came from his Heavenly Father!
*To look at Beau the second he see's him. (Yes... he cries every time! So do I!)

I love being pregnant. But like I said this time I am ready to be done. My body feels like it has been through a battle and back. But I still wouldn't trade any of this knowing what is the end result! I am so excited about this little boy that will enter into our family soon!! Hopefully much much sooner than later!~
I have SO much to blog about. I am having a hard time checking on blogs but I will get to them all soon. We will have had 8 sets of company, in the last 2 1/2 months, after this next week. So hopefully between people I can find the time to catch up!!

So I have been wanting to do a post for some time , for myself mostly so I remember on all the things I love and not so much have loved about this pregnancy.
Fun Random Facts
*I was really sick for the first 6 months.
*I have craved Sushi this entire pregnancy
*I can't seem to get enough water
*I LOVE feeling the baby growing and moving inside of me!
*I haven't been too emotional until this last month! Watch out!!
*I am a clean freak, but you would never know it! Seriously this pregnancy has exhausted me and I have a hard time keeping up with anything!
* I seem to have lost my sense of spelling, math, and balance.
* I am scared to have four kids. It seems like a lot, but I am excited to see how we all adjust!
*I have feared the whole time something would go wrong and we won't get this baby.
*I have loved being able to eat whatever I want and not feel guilty!
*I haven't slept very well since about 6 1/2-7 months along. So I am extremely EXHAUSTED most of the time!
* I LOVE NESTING!!!!(My house appreciates it too)
* I have the most realistic vivid dreams while I am pregnant!
*This is the first pregnancy I feel so ready to be done with!
*I hope all the kids will adjust easily to a new little man in our house. I am not worried about the two older children, but I do worry how Kennedy will do.
*I hope I recover quickly and get on a schedule fast!
* I hope for a great delivery (NO C-SECTION/fingers crossed) It has been 6 years since I had a good experience and I CRAVE it but find I am NERVOUS!
* I hope that I can be a good mother and not feel too overwhelmed.
*I hope that this little guy will feel so extremely loved by his family! We are all so anxious and ready and love him so much already!
Can't wait
* To hold him
* To touch his fingers and toes and look at his face
*To be skinny again (yeah right, it always takes me forever)
*To sleep at night
*To rock him to sleep
*To feel like my heart has expanded beyond any reasonable measure!!
*To feel that feeling the second you hear the baby cry...that feeling that is indescribable!!! The feeling that this child just came from his Heavenly Father!
*To look at Beau the second he see's him. (Yes... he cries every time! So do I!)

I have SO much to blog about. I am having a hard time checking on blogs but I will get to them all soon. We will have had 8 sets of company, in the last 2 1/2 months, after this next week. So hopefully between people I can find the time to catch up!!
I have so much empathy for you, you have no idea. I am sorry your not sleeping well. The only thing that has helped me sleep this pregnancy is my prego boppi pillow. Last week I had to go to the chiropractor and get my hips readjusted. It is very painful for me being prego. I am very jealous that you will get to hold your little boy before I get to hold mine. Don't stress so much, because everything is going to be fine. I miss you and I wish we could talk more. Darla
Okay, so I just asked you on FB how your pregnancy is going and I've been answered. I love the baby bump picture...wish I could see your face. You are so beautiful! 4 weeks to go!!! YAY! You're in the home stretch! Can't wait till he's here and in your arms!
Miss ya.
Oh Bon! I think you are such an amazing person. It takes a little to juggle 4 kids but I don’t think you will have any problems. Kennedy will love her little brother so much she gets to be a big sister! You are so cute being pregnant but I understand wanting a healthy child and wanting not to be pregnant anymore! Only a couple more weeks!! I am so excited for you and your family
Bonnie, I LOVED that post. It was so sweet! I can't believe you only have 4 weeks, I am so jealous!!! Plus, your belly is adorable and you are tiny. I look like a whale compared to you. I feel the same way about wanting the pregnancy to just be over already, I can't wait to sleep on my belly again, I seriously think about it every night. I hope things continue to go well for you!
Ooh, I luuuurrrrrve being the first to leave a comment.
1- Boogs, forget the big belly--what about those huge boobs?
2- And I crave sushi all the time, too. But I'm not pregnant. Nyah nyah!!
3- Boogs, you are right to be worried about Kennedy. Maybe Lucas could "bring" her a really awesome cool gift to soften the blow of removing her from the "youngest" throne--like an Annie outfit and wig (speaking of Annie, I am mad that I didn't get to see her sing and dance on the stairs while I was there).
Oh I love love love this post! Your belly is so cute and small!!! You are such a good mommy and i LOVE YA!
Holy Cow - that post almost made me want to get pregnant again...
don't do that to me - I'm not ready! What a great post - Stay relaxed and things will go much more smoothly! :) Can't wait to hear more.
Oh lil' miss bonnie...I am sorry! I will get to see you in a week...YEAH! We will be down there Tuesday! We will have to do some tia pan(sp?) action!!!
Your belly is so cute! Oh man isn't the last few weeks the worst!? I'm sorry you've been so sick. I love the movement of the baby inside also. That's my favorite part of pregnancy. I'll cross my fingers for you to have a good delivery. I know your last one wasn't the best due the dr., etc. Do you have the same dr. Heidi had? My sister-in-law had the same one and they were amazing. Anyway, good luck. You're such a good mom. I loved reading all your feelings about this pregnancy. Good luck with Kennedy's jealousy of the new baby. We'll pray for her, too. :)
I love it. You are such a cute pregnant momma, and you amaze me with how much you seem to get done with such a houseful. I'm excited to meet the new little one. (We all know I'm going to be his favorite aunt.) miss you and love you!
You are so awesome! Thanks for sharing your feelings. Good Luck with all you have coming up!
I am so excited for you!!!
Your belly is adorable, Bon!! I know you dont feel like it, but you look beautiful!! I love your thoughts and feelings!! Good luck with the next month!! I hope it goes quickly for you!!
Bonnie, you are so cute! I love all your comments! You prego pictures are cute! Makes me want you to take some of me! That would be fun! You do so great with taking pictures! We definately come to you in the near future!
I felt like I was reading about myself in that post . . . it's good to know that I'm not the only one who constantly worries that something will go wrong. I guess it's just human nature! I hope neither of us has very much longer before we can meet our babies!
Bonnie..you are so cute and I love you!! Reading this makes me baby hungry actually. You are a great mom and I always heard three was the hardest and then its down hill from there:-) what are you goin to name him? Good luck on your pregnancy...
I am excited for you and your family. The waiting for a new baby is scary and exciting (more on the exciting part). I believe that all your kids will adjust to the new baby just fine. As for Kennedy she will always be your baby GIRL. She may become a older sister, but she will be your youngest girl.
Love you and hope to see all of you this summer.
i really liked that post! i love hearing all the different things you are feeling and looking forward too! cute pic by the way i like it just of the belly!!
I'm so excited for you!! It's almost time to be done. Hopefully your little guy will decide to come early like mine- I'll send those vibes your way. You look darling by the way. Good luck with things.
You are so cute prego Bonnie you have a glow 2 you I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see blogs about the new little one!! Good Luck with everything hope it goes really good for you!! So me and Darius want to know when you guys are going to come visit and take some of our family portrats u do such an awsome job!!
Thanks for sharing those personal things! And your baby bump is SOOOOOO cute! Seriously! I love it! But you aren't very big for 8 mos. I can't believe you are so close. It sneaked right up on me. You are there, girl! Hang with it! That sweet little guy will be wrapped in your arms in no time. It seems like I just had Mason and now he's almost a year old!!
Your belly is so cute. Your blog is so adorable. Well I am actually pregnant too and find out on wednesday. Were hoping for a boy so it's funny that everyone is pregnant right now and we did this last time with the girls. Hopefully I look as cute as you. It's almost over.
I love looking at your blog you always have the cutest ideas and pictures!
Yay- on the count down. It's going tobe fun to look back someday & remember the feelings and emotions running right now. Good Post- Bon, good post! Good luck to you!
Bonnie, I wish I could give you some of my feel good-ness! I too am worried about how Kevin is going to do with this transition. I know he is young and hasn't been the only one for too long, but he is such a Mamma's boy! I'm mostly worried about when I am in the hospital! I wish you the best of luck! You are on the down hill slide, we can't wait to see pictures of this little boy!!! Oh yes, and I LOVE the belly pic!
I think it was harder to go from 2 to 3 kids then it was to go from 3 to 4, so hopefully you will be okay! :)You are an awesome mom. Good luck with everything.
I love how you put your thoughts into words! You look amazing and that little guy couldn't be luckier. Good Luck!
Oh sweeti, hang in there. This post made me cry, I must be a mommy to. I love having babies! I'm so excited for you. Good luck! Can't wait to hear how it all goes!
Bonnie that is great that your trying that it does work great.
I love you, MOM
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