Beau had his second race two Saturday's ago. He had so much fun and took FIRST PLACE!!!!

When he came in....I was expecting to not see him for at least another 20 minutes. He was mingled in with the other Amateur and Expert riders. I was pretty sure he won but didn't want to say it. So I told him he was the first "Green tagged" rider that I had seen come in. He kept smiling.
We went to the awards ceremony and he got a plaque/trophy. Caleb kept holding the plaque and saying "Dad, always take first, never loose." HA! We were all so proud and excited that he took FIRST!
We also got to have dinner with Uncle Don. (Beau's dad's twin brother) We always love seeing him when he is in St. George. The kids call him "Grandpa Don" and love him to pieces!!
We also got to have dinner with Uncle Don. (Beau's dad's twin brother) We always love seeing him when he is in St. George. The kids call him "Grandpa Don" and love him to pieces!!

Also, Caleb has started Wrestling. This will be his third week of practice. He loves it and we are so glad he has found something that he loves and is naturally good at. He towers over the kids in his age group, so they started pairing him up with the first and second graders.

Also check out my new photography sessions by clicking here! ( I have about 3 more sessions to get on there so keep checking back)
Holy smokes lady! I almost feel guilty coming down at the end of the month:) You are such a good woman and too good of a host. We all keep coming back:) We will be at my aunts but we will have to get together when you feel up to it!!!
Love ya chica,
Those biking pictures look so cool--I really would like to see one of Beau's races some time. As long as drunkards don't try to pick up on me like they did on you! :)
Way to go beau!! That is fantastic and only after 2 races he will be put in with the experts now. I can’t wait to see all of the pictures you have of your family. What a fun month you have had. I think it is great that Caleb is wresting what a great sport. We need some pictures of you!! How are you feeling?
Oh man that looks like so much fun for Beau!!! I am so glad he won and the kids got to see him win instead of be a loser getting 5th place! hee hee hee! Caleb is so cute at wrestling. I am sure he will so awesome! You better get some pictures of him pinning someone and making them CRY!. :) I am so glad you had fun with your sisters. I bet it was a nice break for you ALL to just get to be together and be your silly selves!! Love ya
WOW that is awesome for Beau! Tell him congratulations. If he keeps going the way he has been he will be full blown expert in no time! I had lots of fun at your shower sorry I couldn't stay longer. And yeah I hope I have the baby soon to!
How fun of Beau! I think that is great that he is so good at racing! Cute wrestling pictures. I love sports at this age, cause it's not all serious- just cute!
Way to go Beau!!! That is awesome! I see you went to THE best resaurant in town...we llllove Pancho and Lefty's!
Where to start...okay...yeah for Beau! What fun. And you are ALWAYS hosting, girl! How do you do it? It's great that your family will come visit so often. I guess that makes it easier living away from everyone. It must be one heck of a party at your place! And while you're at it, maybe I'll come visit next week:) I'm looking for warmer weather anyway. I LOVE the cactus pics. Good job there! And...let's see...oh ya- I also love the new photo sessions pics too! You are just one ammmmmazing woman!!
Ok! You are so talented. Your pictures are amazing. I love looking at all of the fun pictures. You did a great job. I wish we lived closer so I could have you take my Family's pictures.
I love the picture of all the boys! I refuse to even tell Nick about this post - or it will get his biking itch going, and I'm not sure I'm up for that. What a fun couple of weeks you have had! I can't wait to hear more. :)
Congrats to Beau. That really is awsome.
I can't believe you and Janalyns' brother are old enough to go on a mission. WOW!! Tell Eli congrats. My brother in law served in England and LOVED it.
Thats Amazing!! Show off! That looks like some tuff terrain too. Good Job, how exciting is that? Your totally addicted now huh?!
I love that future missionary picture you did Bonnie...too cute!
I love all of these pictures, I can't wait for you to finally get all moved in over here so that you can take pictures of my family!! I was able to hug Hannah for two seconds on Saturday and it was fun to see her! I love that Caleb is wrestling, how very cute!!!
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