We have had an eventful busy busy busy month. With tons of guests and lots of fun!
(Sorry kind-of long)
(Sorry kind-of long)
My brother Eli and his friend Josh came to stay. They were hitting every temple they could in a few day period.
My brother Eli and his friend Josh came to stay. They were hitting every temple they could in a few day period.
*Seeing how much they have both grown
*Seeing how excited they both were to serve their missions
*Spending time with them
*Doing their missionary pictures
*Seeing how excited they both were to serve their missions
*Spending time with them
*Doing their missionary pictures
Four of my five sisters came with their babies. Rebecca and her daughter Mollie, Hanna and her daughter Finley, Sharla and her son Dylan, and Katie and her son Tebbin. We missed you Alison!
*Spending much needed time with them
*Laughing, talking, and eating
*They cooked for me every night.
*Shopping in St. George and at the DI's.
*They threw a surprise shower for me! I was so surprised and am now READY for this baby!
*Seeing their cute kids.
*Creepy face masks
* More and more Laughing!!
Beau left for the weekend with our friend Jake to another race. The Cow Dung race in Delta, Utah.
*Laughing, talking, and eating
*They cooked for me every night.
*Shopping in St. George and at the DI's.
*They threw a surprise shower for me! I was so surprised and am now READY for this baby!
*Seeing their cute kids.
*Creepy face masks
* More and more Laughing!!
Beau left for the weekend with our friend Jake to another race. The Cow Dung race in Delta, Utah.
* Beau broke some kids wrists. Handle bars interlocking and both crashing. (the other kids fault)
*Battle wounds*
My brother Eli came again to say one last goodbye!
*saying goodbye (it was sad, but good)
*Talking/ sharing about missionary experiences w/ Beau
*Talking/ sharing about missionary experiences w/ Beau
I treated myself to a pedicure!
I treated myself to a pedicure!

* I needed it!
*Although my toes are chubby! I found a fabulous painter after an hour foot and leg massage. (Her name is Karen and works at the college. She is amazing!)
*Having fabulously painted toenails.
A day later-
Ryan and Anna came for a short visit.
*Having fabulously painted toenails.
A day later-
Ryan and Anna came for a short visit.

*Seeing them. (It had been awhile)
*Talking until two in the morning
*Shopping at the DI
*Wishing they lived closer!
We miss you guys. Wish I would have gotten more pictures!!
Girl Time
With all the company and my lack of motivation I was feeling like I needed to do something special for my girls. So while daddy was with Caleb, spending one on one time, at Wrestling we did charcoal masks, pedicures, and manicures.
With all the company and my lack of motivation I was feeling like I needed to do something special for my girls. So while daddy was with Caleb, spending one on one time, at Wrestling we did charcoal masks, pedicures, and manicures.

*Spending time with my girls alone.
*Seeing how much they loved it
*Feeling excited to be pampered
* Hearing them say how much fun they were having!
Wes and Nikki and their children came to visit!

*Letting the cousins spend time together
*Two fabulous dinners out
* Beau got to go riding w/ Wes
*Craft talk! :)
We have had a fun month. We have a few more fun things to share, but so this post won't be the longest post ever. I will try to get to them soon! We have had so much fun with all of our guests and just wish we could convince them all to move closer to us!!
Ya know ya all want to!!!:)
Your toes are darling! I may have to look up Miss Karen when I come in April!
WOW! Now you have a month to rest, right?
Love the toes!
I do not know how you do it, Bonnie! At the end of my pregnancies, just getting dinner on about puts me in tears. And here you go hosting, shopping, playing, and hosting some more. Where do you get your energy? BTW-you look fabulous! I can't wait to see little Baby Bunnell:)
ps- you've convinced me to go get a pedicure.
Wow. That is a lot of company! But how fun is that!!!??? Love all the pictures, too. You're making all the rest of look bad though with all that you're doing so close to delivering.
Oh boooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuugs! It really was so much fun coming there, Miss Hostess-of-the-Month. But I think you need to back off and take a break from guests until your baby is six months old.
Sweet battle wounds from your race, Beau. Too bad that kid got inyour way or would have won, right? :) Keehee.
Your pedicure really is cool, I must admit.
Your toes are super cute! A pedicure has been calling my name the last few days, especially since I am having a hard time reaching, my paint job isn't looking so hot!! BUT since we just got 6 inches of snow :( I'll wait a few more weeks then they will be nice and pretty for the baby to come! :) How are you feeling??? Hang in there, the count down is on!
Wow! I can't believe you did all of that while being 8 months preggo. You are my hero.
Bon...we just got home. Holy Smokes that road was UGLY! I miss you! I totally could live down there...tempting! Keep us posted on the newest bunnell to be! Make Beau call even in the night!(I will make wes wake up...hehehe)
Love ya chica!
Bon...we just got home. Holy Smokes that road was UGLY! I miss you! I totally could live down there...tempting! Keep us posted on the newest bunnell to be! Make Beau call even in the night!(I will make wes wake up...hehehe)
Love ya chica!
Wow that was a busy month, but looks like a blast, I am sure it is helping get that baby here sooner. Can't wait to see the pictures you will get of him!
I love the hot pink toes!! What a month - you need to rest up before that baby makes an appearance!! :)
Wow girl you have been BUSY. Looks like lots of fun and lots great memories.
You are pretty much wonder woman!! I am glad you got to have so much company come to visit, but I do hope that you will get a break for a little bit until the baby is born and a little older....:) Even though it is tempting to drive down and stay with you... :( i love ya and I hope you are feeling okay and the chiropractor helps tomorrow!
What a fun month with all those visitors! And I LOVE your toes- so cute.
Sounds like a crazy but fun time! Eli gave a great talk for his "farewell" he will be a great missionary! Cow Dung race?? That is such a funny name!!! I love the toes and all the fun girl time!
What a awesome month. It's crazy to think little Eli is going on a mission. I LOVE YOUR TOES! So rad!
What a fun and exhausting month!! You and your girls are so cute love the face masks!! how in the world do you do it all.. love ya
I hope that all of your visitors are willing to travel here when you finally get moved over...It's much better here anyways! Sounds like you've been pretty busy, but that of course is nothing new!! Can't wait to see you in a week :)
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