Savanah: "Our family is going to be a double's fact soon mom."
Mom: "Oh, what is that?"
Savanah: "Three and three equals six. Three boys and three girls!"
Mom: "Oh, what is that?"
Savanah: "Three and three equals six. Three boys and three girls!"

This morning she brought her homework in to me and said "This is tricky mom. These congruent figures tried to trick me. " I just looked at her like what are you talking about. Then she pointed to the two figures and said " See, one is upright and one is sideways, but they are still congruent. I knew it was tricky!"
And the finished chair!
Old chair
Wow!! Savannah is a little smartie pants!! I love the's gorgeous:0)
Cute chair. I can't believe how big your girls are! So cute...
Reading these things make me laugh and I wonder what your new BABY is going to look like. I can't wait for him to be here. :O) I will come see you after things settle when you have him. :O) I can't wait.
Love you Ali
the chair turned out great!!!
Savannah is growing up. Her and Kenny are beautiful
What a smart little girl you have! I love the chair! You guys just know how to make a house a home. I am just not that good at all that stuff. I wish I had that talent. Your stuff is so cute!
I believe I'm gonna have to look up congruent in the dictionary. :) How old is she!!! Cute hair and she looks beautiful in yellow.
You crack me up with all your refurbishings. I LOVE it!!! Now only if you could send a few my way. Hey!!! You should seriously start doing that. I bet people would love to buy your goodies!
Shocking that the chair is black.. LOL. It looks great!
I love the chair so much!!! Where will you be putting it? Your kids are so cute. I can't believe how grown up they are getting. It is sad. They don't know me... :(
You're so crafty! Looks Great!
I am willing to admit, I am NOT smarter then a 5th grader... or kindergartner or 1st grader or 2nd grader.... I Love the new chair! I am so excited to move into a house so my unfinished chairs can get finished... they are mostly sanded down (did that in the kitchen this summer!) Just don't want to stain/paint them in there too!! Can't be too healthy for the muffin in the oven or Kevin!!! How are you feeling? What day are you do? You are getting close!!
You are so gifted...okay thats it move to BOISE NOW!!! Sweet Savannah!
That wretched cat is never gonna win the pretty kitty cat photo contest.
1- the chair looks great--I love the fabric you chose
2- Savanah is hilarious and nerdy, and I would know
Your girls are so cute! Oh and my Hanny wanted me to say, "Your kitty cat is sooooo cute!" I love the chair too, it turned out great! I am getting the itch to start another project, I just have to convince the hubby. ;)
Sounds like you have a little smartie pants on your hands! That chair looks fantastic!
i am a few posts behind. i can't believe all of those blankets and the bedding too! that awesome! i also love the new chair.
I love that chair! Very good job. I think I'm going to need to get out the old math books and so some refreshing before McKinley gets there!
Bonnie, you seriously have vision, because that first chair is sooo ugly!!! I never would have seen its potential! You amaze me!
the chair turned out great. I love all of your projects!
That Sav, is such a smarty pants. She looked so cute with those shirley temple curls. I love the chair Bon. It makes me want to start refinishing mine. You are so good at everything Bon, I love you!
Great job (again) on the chair. I wish I was half as creative as you are!
You should hold a 'bring your junk and make it beautiful'class. I'm sure it would be a turn out! You are amazing!
I agree 100% with the "Bunnell's" must move to Boise now! Oh are!!:) I was reading everything your mom did while she was there and I am so impressed...Can you ask her when she plans to come stay with me?!! I am excited for you to have this baby, it will be fun to see him. The chair looks great, as does everything you do! I miss you so much and hopefully we can see eachother every single day when you finally get moved over!
Savanah is getting sooo big!! Her hair is way cute too :) Did you cut her hair or is it just the really tight curls???
What a smart kid. Your chair turned out awesome. I wish you could makeover my kitchen table and chairs, they are not cute at all, they need the thrift goddess!
I'm loving the math talk. Oh there is nothing that brings more joy to my heart than discovering congruent triangles.
The chair is super cute.
Bonnie you have such a cute family. I love seen the changes you make to old furniture. Love ya, Aunt Debi
LOVE the chair! And I dread the day my child talks to me about congruent...?@!#X ????? Why didn't I pay more attention?!
Good grief! I swear I didn't hear of a congruent anything until I was like in 8th grade in Geometry! Yikes. How on earth are you feeling? Other than pregnant?
Savannah cracks me up. She is soooo smart! I am so excited to see your cute, soon to be 'doubles fact' little family. Only 5 more days! Hooray!
Your kids are so funny they must get it from you. I love all your projects there adorable.
You're moving to Boise?
I love how you can take something old an ugly and make it SOOOO beautiful. Good job.
I think kids now days are so much smarter!
Kids make me laugh at the things they say it is so much fun! I love the chair. How do you do that?? ..
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