Can I just tell you that I haven't felt prepared, at all, for this baby. I have had nothing, no blankets, no clothes, etc. But thanks to my fabulous mother I can say that I feel 100% prepared!! The women is amazing! She sewed and worked hard to help me. She made me all these blankets.........

She made a bumper, crib sheets, and blankets, to match my bedroom..........
She made the girls bedding from this fabulous paisley sheet set I found on clearance......
(I am only going to show you the fabric now. The paisley sheets she made blankets out of. Then the polka dot is going to be a smaller quilt and some accent pillows. I am a mixer of patterns! You will have to wait to see the completed bedroom project when it is all finished)
She also found the time to hem things for me, let me rest every day, help me with the kids, shop with me, and much more! I was so sad to see her go. I kept it together really well when I dropped her off. But the ride home was a whole new ball game. I couldn't help but cry! I miss her so much! It is sad to hear my children cry about not living close to her. It breaks my heart!!
Wow!! Your mom is SEW amazing!! I can't believe she whipped all those projects!
Oh I love your mom!!! I am so glad she helped you get ready for the baby to come and did so many sewing projects for you! I can't wait to see the girls room done!
She really is the world's BEST grandma!! I am so glad that you are feeling prepared Bon. Take it easy and get rest. I love you, and miss you more than you know!
How cool!!! Your Mom is such a sweet lady. She is almost as amazing as my Mom. Heehee!!
Oh Bonnie, I can't imagine how hard it must be living so far from your mom. And an AMAZING mom at that! I can't believe how she can do so much in such little time. Is she willing to offer lessons???? I need some major help with my sewing skills. I'm glad you're now ready for the new baby too. How exciting!!!
I'm excited to see the finished product in your girls' room.
What a fabulous trip!! I would have to agree with you your mom is an amazing person. She had 8 amazing kids you are all so talented. I am grateful that your mom was able to come and spend time you your family. I love all your blankets your mom did a marvelous job. ..
I would never have put the paisley and polka-dots together but they are cute I can’t wait to see the finished project
Bonnie... how does your mother do it!? Who looks that good after 8 kids!? Holy cow. Amazing. She looks great. I love all the blankets and bumper set and bedding. Again... amazing. I would have cried all the way home. I only live 1 1/2 hrs from my mom and I miss her as soon as I leave. I don't know how you do it! But I do know that you're an amazing mom, too. And now we know where you got it!
What a completely A.Mazing mom you have!!! That is so great that she was able to come visit and help you feel more prepared. Moms are THE best!
This really made me miss my Mom...but I am so happy your Mom was able to help ya. My Mom use to be the biggest help if one of us were pregnant. I can't wait until I can be there when my girls grow up and have families.
So sweet of her to sew you all that stuff!! AWESOME
Your mom is amazing I wish my mom could sew. I love the paisley it's adorable.
Okay. NOW I am jealous. It's not fair, Boogs. I know you posted this to make me jealous and it WORKED.
I want all of those pictures of Mom. And I luuuuurrrrrrrrrve your crib bumpers!
Mom, I have a very comfortable couch with your name on it!!!
Aren't Moms the greatest! Sounds like you have a Mom almost as wonderful as mine! Okay, okay, let's not get in a fight about it. :) I'm glad she could help you out. Oh, and by the way, I'm still waiting for you to change your mind about keeping that bed. I know the perfect house for it. Hint! Hint! :)
What a great mother! I love when my mom comes to visit, it's one of my favorite things about living further away. The blankets are adorable!
oh my, you lucky little duck! How fun!!! I love the bedding for the cradel! Too cute! Are you totally counting down? Because us finding out we were prego was so crazy, and we were out of town for two months I'd only ever seen Julia's heart beat on the ultra sound, I was able to hear it today for the first time! It is so comforting! I can't wait! Only 18 weeks left!
Your mom is an awesome lady. Moms are amazing. My mom came to visit me this weekend and I tried not to cry when she left too.
im glad that you feel ready now. i hate feeling like you arent ready for your baby. you want all the best for them and your emotions dont help at all either!! all that stuff is amazing! love you aunt patsy!
Bonnie... you worked mom so hard...she lost her leg. :O) I love these pictures and our mom...we are SO lucky and have the best...and in your facial pictures your lips look pregnant,....so velumpsious and full like :O) Love you
Man!!! You make me miss my mom too! I really love this post! I am glad that your mom got to come and help you out! My mom came and helped out before Caitlyn was born and it was really hard to let her go! It is a good thing that your family can come and visit you from time to time! Good luck with all of your preparations... and can't wait to see the Girls' room finished :)
oh and Caitlyn asks about you guys sometimes... She is really funny... she is always thinking about someone! Every person leaves a memory... Thanks for yours!!
Your mom is so awesome and talented like you...I bet she had a wonderful time too..I LOVE THE PIX's!!!
I would have to agree with you. You mom is pretty awesome! Good luck with the babe!
I've always loved your mom. I saw her at Barnes and Noble just yesterday. She is an awsome woman who always made me feel welcome in your home. We with great moms are so lucky. I'm glad you are feeling more prepared for this kiddo. It's so much harder when your aren't ready for them.
She IS amazing. I can't believe she made SO much! How incredible, and incredible sweet too. There is nothing greater than a mothers touch/love. I LOVE that last picture of her. Totally shows her personality.
yes!! yes!! yes!! your mom is wonerful as a mom and sister I Love her to, Bonnie she only has a tinny bit on you. you are great to.
Wow! It looks like you had so much fun! You do have a fantastic mom!
Wow! It sounds like shes amazing! I've had a hard time feeling ready for this baby too... must be something with the 4th kid...
Mom's are sooo amazing! That is a humongous stack of blankets, but you sure go through them fast with new babies.
'What a wonderful, talented mom you have. She is SOO pretty. I see where you got your looks!
Patsy Jo is my hero! She really is the most amazing woman. Can I just say, S-P-O-I-L-E-D! But I guess you deserve it you cute little coonie wench! Good luck with your last weeks of preggers and remember, I have a STACK of piano books with your name on them!
She really is the best! What fun!
Holy cow! She is amazing! That's awesome that she did so much for you, and she's so talented! And I can't believe how young she looks for having endured 8 kids in 10 years!!!! Supermom!
OK, I made a comment about how awesome your mom is, but it didn't show up, but just in case it does later, I'm not going to do it again--but she is AWESOME! Also, don't worry about clothes, because I'm going to have tons of stuff to pass onto you, and at least the newborn stuff will fit for any season! I started out with nothing with this one, either, but between my sister, my mom, post-Christmas sales, freecycle, and my baby shower, I'm more than set now, and I'll have plenty to give to you.
okay, i feel stupid, i forgot that you have your comments set up so you have to approve them.....duh
Hey Bonnie! I haven't read your blog for a little while and was just catching up. Your bassinet is beautiful and I cannot believe what a steal you got on that. Just beautiful! Okay, I'm confused because I had no idea you lived in Vegas? You do right... it said your mom was visiting in Vegas? We are thinking about moving around that area when we are done with school. Maybe you can help us with our decision if you know some nice school districts and all the info. Talk to you later.
P.S. You looked great in your 5 month prego picture.
I love all of the wonderful things your mom made for the baby. They turned out darling. I absolutely LOVE the crib set for the bassinet. Jealous! What a great mom you have.
Your mom looks EXACTLY the way I remember her.
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