So I have no clue how my husband convinced me to let him "Desert Race". But he did. His first race was on Saturday and it was perfect riding conditions. Not hot and small showers make for a perfect ride. We had no idea what to expect, 'cause he had never done this before. But what a lot of fun! He had a blast!! He raced with his buddy Jordan.

There was three classes of riding. Experts first. Then Amateurs with Novice riders next.
The starting line to watch was scary. It seemed like mass chaos. But Beau said it was a blast!

(Here are some of the riders waiting for the start)

Here is the footage of the start. They make all the riders shut there engines off. It is dead silent and then when the flag drops. WOW! There is dirt blowing everywhere and plenty of action!
Beau was mingled in at the beginning with the Amateur/Novice riders. We counted and got all excited and how well he was doing. I am usually not competitive, but I did let out a squeal, I was soooo excited!. It is a 12-20 mile course. You ride for 2 1/2 hours and do as many laps as you can to determine the winner. You have pit stops where they get your number and do whatever they do to keep it accurate. The riders had to go through a river, that went clear up to their seats. That is where Beau ran into some trouble and stalled every time, which totaled an hour. He was so mad!
He still took FIFTH PLACE. Which I think out of the 100's of riders is EXCELLENT. Although he was mad the whole way home, cause he knows without stalling he could have placed even better!!
He still took FIFTH PLACE. Which I think out of the 100's of riders is EXCELLENT. Although he was mad the whole way home, cause he knows without stalling he could have placed even better!!
We had picked up my mom the night before the race in Las Vegas, so it was fun to have her there with me and the kids to watch Beau! The place where we were at in Mesquite was so beautiful. Although it was desert, you could see the mountains in the background and this storm rolling in .
That was really cool for Beau to get to do! I know if we lived anywhere NEAR something like that Matt would be all over it too! The video was cool too, seeing so many of them just racing by and all the dust kicked up. I LOVE you pictures. I wish you could come down here and take some family pics of us, and pics of all the really cool mountians and plateau's the Arizona desert is really cool. You are such a good photographer!
Yes! I luuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrve being the first to leave a comment. I really am impressed that Beau got fifth place. That is totally cool, Boogs. Good job, RainBeau!
Also, your storm pictures are so pretty--I love the bottom ones with the clouds. You should have waited for a rainbow shot after the storm, with triumphant RainBeau sitting astride his noble steed!
that is so fun for Beau!! I am glad it went so well for him. Looks like now you will be doing races for the rest of your young adult lives!!! :) That is awesome!
What a beautiful setting for such a great day. That looked like tons of fun… he’ll do better next year
So fun! Brent would totally have loved that! Awesome pictures by the way. Tell your mom hello from me. She's so great.
That's so awesome! First of all, that's great that Beau will take time to have some fun. And second, I'm sooo jealous that you are in such nice weather. I have cabin fever like never before. I want to pack up and move to Arizona right now...that's how bad it is. I love your pictures. What a beautiful place to be. And I'll have to show Hondo the racing pics.
How fun for Beau! I think it's awesome he got 5th place! Have fun with your mom in town:)
Look like fun. Nick would have liked it and so would have I. The pics of the storm are great.
I LOVE storms too. I love the power you feel when they're rolling in.
Go Beau! Tell him not to be too upset that he didn't get first. Burke's brother Matt was in first place a couple of years ago in a desert race and wrecked, was life flighted to Utah Valley and now has a rod in his femur. No more racing for him! Fifth place is great. Burke is salivating at the pictures. Jealousy....
I LOOOOOUUURVE it when Becca thinks she makes the first comment and she REALLY doesn't...makes me laugh. I love you Bon. I am SO jealous that totally looks like lots of fun...I am sure my kids would LOVE that I will definatley have to come down and hang out for one of those. I love you
Love Ali
Oh that it is so awesome for Beau, how fun for him, i know i'm a girl, but i would have loved to have done that, what a blast, GO BEAU!!
So jealous I wish mark had an oppotunity like that he to would be all over it. Love the pictures.
Good job Beau!! That is totally rufus. I am way excited for him...and I'm sure it made for some wonderful family bonding. I bet the kiddos loved watching their daddy.
Great pics of the storm as well. I agree....quit breathtaking.
Wow Bonnie that looks like a lot of fun! I would have gotten into it to and squealed. The storm pics are gorgeous love the double layer of clouds. Great job Beau!!
Okay, I have tried to leave three different comments, and I am getting angry!!!!! Basically, Beau did a super job, and I love the photo's on the bottom,(but way more detail!)
I have been wondering how he did. I can't believe he took fifth, SWEET!
thats awesome that he races! that's got to be so fun to watch.
by the way the bed turned out darling! i need some of your talents!!
That looks awesome! How fun is that! I always want Hans to get into something like that, but then I always balk, becasue I am a selfish wife and want him to myself as much as possible. Honestly. But that looks like so much fun, maybe I'll get Hans a dirtbike for a surprise one day. Beau and you will have to help me pick it out- I have no clue! HAve so much fun with your mom!
That looks like a ton of fun! So... I'm coming to St. George again in April. My brother-in-law is getting married on April 15th. We have to get together this time... Even if it's just lunch and a DI run. I'll talk to you more about it later.. G
Sounds like Beau had a blast! How do you fit everything in?! The bed turned out so cute and I laughed so hard at the kids comments! I wonder where they get it from?! :) Hope you are having fun with your mom there...tell her "Hi!" for me!
WOW!! Impressive Bike Beau! More impressive 5th Place with or without the stalling. Jeremy watched and was about frothing at the mouth. GOOD JOB!!
WoW!!!Impressive bike Beau! More impressive is the 5th place with or without the bogging out. Jeremy was about frothing at the mouth when he watched. He covets your bike too. It looks like ALOT of fun!
That looks like fun! 5th place that is awsome! I'm glad you guys had fun and that your mom could be there with you and the kids! Love you
wow, what a awesome wife you are! What a fun day.
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