We celebrated Caleb's sixth birthday last week. I can't believe our handsome little stud is already six. It seems like just yesterday he was being placed in my arms at the hospital and all I could do was smile and stare at him!

Caleb has brought so much
joy and laughter to our family! He is always saying the funniest things and making sure that I am always well taken care of!

We love our
'little buddy" so much and couldn't imagine our lives without him! He is so excited to have a brother and share a birthday month with him!
( He promised to smile well for the camera if I took one picture of him being silly! This is sooooo him!)

Here are some pictures from his birthday party he had also. This was his first "Friend" party he has ever had and he LOVED every minute of it!!
How on earth did you throw a party when you are so close to having that baby!!! Once again, you have proven that you ARE indeed superwoman!!! Hope everything goes smooth for ya, lady!!
Happy birthday Caleb!! I love this age they are so fun, amusing, comical, and just loveable. Kids are such a wonderful blessing. I love birthdays they are bittersweet though
Happy Birthday Caleb!!! What a handsome boy!! It is hard to believe that our 2nd kid is turning 6... makes me feel even older than my first one turning 6. If that made any sense what so ever. I tried to call you to check your status!!! YOU BETTER CALL ME EVEN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!!!
Bonnie, I totally spaced his birthday. My sweet shnoody is growing up way too fast. You should have reminded me so that I could've called. I will have to send him something special. I love the pic with his blue tongue.
What a handsome boy. I'm glad he had a great birthday! What a good mom you are to make his day so special.
Happy Birthday to your Caleb! That looks like one heck af a Par-Tay! I love that he watches out for you. That's exactly how I hope Mason and my relationship is. I think little boys & their mommy's have special relationships that can't be replaced. Cute pics too;)
What a handsome guy! Those pictures are fantastic!
Happy Birthday! He is getting so big. And he is so adorable!
Happy Birthday Caleb!! He is a totallly handsome little stud muffin!! The pics turned out super awesome. You are so talented lady!!
Cute boy! He is getting so big! Let me know when that baby gets here!!!!!
Love ur pics- you talented woman! Happy B-day Caleb- such an awesome kid!
What a lady killer! Love the blue tongue picture!
Wow your pictures are amazing you are very talented I wish you could take our pictures let me know next time your in town maybe you would have time to do some pictures for us. I hope your having your baby soon I bet your ready I hope all goes good. Good Luck!
Man how time flies....I still remember when we were all prego together!! How he had a good day.
Bonnie- He is so Handsome!! Happy Birthday!
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