We had such a great birth experience. I found out Monday night that if we didn't have the baby by Thursday, we would lose all of our vacation we had saved. So as you can imagine, I was beside myself. I prayed all day that something would happen and that we wouldn't lose Beau's time to be home and help me. It just so happened that Beau had a job at my Mid-wife's house on Monday night. He totally helped them out and kept telling my Mid-Wife's husband that she needed to induce me or break my water. Later on Monday night I got a call saying to be in her office at 7:50 am, the next morning. (Technically because I am a V-back after C-section I cannot be induced. It is against hospital policy. ) So I came in Tuesday morning and she said for me to go back into labor and delivery and if they could get me contracting on the monitor then she would break my water. I came home and Beau and I went on a vigorous walk for one hour and then went back in. Luckily I was contracting so she ran down and kept my labor going by breaking my water. (What a blessing and answer to our prayers.)

Lukas had the cord around is neck twice. But after a minute they were able to get him to breath and be just fine. I on the other hand started dry-heaving and my temp. sky-rocketed to 104. I couldn't stop shaking and felt so weak. I tried so hard to keep my eyes open, but just couldn't. They gave me medicine and it knocked me out until around 8:30 PM. So I missed the first few hours of his little life. But Beau made sure to hold him and cuddle him lots!

The kids just love him to death! I was so worried about how Kennedy would react and now I wonder why I worried at all. She has been so sweet and loving towards him! They all can't get enough of him!

We feel soooo blessed! I have always found such joy in being a mother and a women. And I have always felt the over whelming love of a Heavenly Father who is mindful of me and my family! And once again, I feel so overwhelmed and rich with blessings! My little family has brought me more happiness then I could ever think possible! My heart feels, literally, like it might explode with love and gratitude. I know our lives are going to be that much more special and beautiful with this new little guy that has been entrusted to us!
Could life get any better?
Could life get any better?
He is adorable! I knew that the kids would just love him how could they not! There is nothing better in this world then family. Give them all a hug and a kiss.
Aren't you so grateful for the priesthood in your life!!!?
What a beautiful baby! And wow, I don't know anyone who looks that gorgeous after just having a baby. Maybe Cori Hubbard. It's a little unfair. I'm glad all went well and that you're home recouperating. Rest up and give that boy a squeeze and kiss from us!
Bonnie! I love everything about this post, but the icing on the cake is the picture of Kennedy holding that freaky stuffed animal!!! She looks like she's trying to open her eyes as wide as that Furby knock-off! Hahahahahahaha!
So smart to write down the birth story right away. I love the sweet pictures--and I'm so glad he arrived healthy as can be!
I agree with Becca... was this the closest you could find to a pink kitty? I love it!!! Lukas is so handsome. I love the pictures and just want more more more!!!
You need this background for your blog right now....
What a beautiful story! (besided you getting sick) He's a cutie!!!
wow! Sorry you got so sick! I'm glad everything else went well. Congrats on your precious bundle!!
Bon...I am so sorry that you were sick afterwards! HE IS SO SUPER DUPER CUTE!!! I want to hold him:) Congrats lady...
Love ya,
What a beautiful story. And look....it's already written down! Hooray. I hope that you are both doing great. I wish you lots of sleep!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so excited for you all! Little Lukas is beautiful and I am so happy that he is finally here so you can snuggle him tight.
Enjoy you new little man!
Bonnie, I am glad to hear that things are going so well and that YOU feel better. You look absolutely darling while in labor, I always look extremely scary.
Lukas is absolutely adorable (by the way I LOVE his name)and your kids look so thrilled with having a new baby brother. What a sweet blessing!
Oh Bonne Belle what a bee-oo-tee-ful baby! And you look like such a glowing, pretty new mama! Congratulations on your sweet little boy. My fourth was by far my easiest so perhaps you'll be so lucky-I hope so because that Kennedy looks like a precious, naughty little handful!
Jill, you obviously NEVER saw me in the hospital. I know you didn't because Karen Forbush stood as my guard dog to keep people out. I wish I looked as hawt as MS. BUNNELL :)
Good job Bon! (oh, and I guess that husband of yours made a SMALL contribution too...maybe if he wouldn't call me the village bicycle I'd say something nice about him too...)
Seeing this little guy takes me back to Kevin!!! They were the same weight! It is also making me SUPER anxious!!! 8 weeks!!! I can't wait!
Glad your prayer was answered and that all is well. He is perfect!
He is so special! I am so excited for you! I bet his brother and sisters adore him! They will be a big help I'm sure! I'm glad everything went well for you! And that you got feeling better quickly, that's kinda scary! And I hope you got your invite to my blog! If you didn't let me know!!! Love you!
That would have been a little scary with him not flipping and he was one big boy. I am so happy for you that he is here and they had no problem getting him to breath with the cord wrapped around his neck. That is my worst fear. Calista's umbilical cord was short, so I am hoping this little guys is short also. I can't wait for these two to meet each other someday. Anyways congrats!!!
Congratulations Bonnie! He is a beautiful baby! Get all the snuggles in you can while he is tiny!! I'm hlad you are feeling better too.
Congratulations! What a cute little guy & he looks like he belongs to your family. :) I am so happy for you and your kids look like they are in heaven. congrats!
okay...it is so not fair that you look that great after having a baby!! Those priesthood blessing are the greatest things!! I'm so thankful you were able to have one. That is one cute little boy you made! :)
Wow you had an adventure but at least he's here and your both doing good. Well I love the name he is adorable. Congrats! Your such a good mom. Have fun!
Congratulations!!! He is a cutie. You have the cutest little family. I am happy for you and all your many blessings.
I'm so glad to hear that things went well, other than you getting sick...that is no fun. But thank goodness it was nothing and you are fine :)
I love the pic of the kids...they all look soooo happy and proud to have a new baby brother.
Congratulations! He is one handsome little guy.
Congrats!!! He is so sweet.
That is so scary when they come out and aren't breathing... Caitlyn did that to us too... it was wrapped around her chest pretty good... and Ty's was around his neck too! But they fortunately were able to get them both into good shape! :)
That is Scary that you had that fever spike... odd... I am so glad that you are doing better and that you got a blessing and were able to recover well. Do you have Laurie for your doctor?? She is AMAZING isn't she! I would move back to Cedar City just so that I could have another baby and her to deliver it and all the stuff before that too! AMAZING!!!
I am glad you are doing well and that the kids are adapting well! That is VERY important and WONDERFUL!!! Good Luck and stay rested... if that is possible with 4 children!!!??? ;)
Yeah Lukas you made it!!! He is darling Bonnie. I just want to snuggle him close. So, so glad you both are happy and healthy. Can't believe you got a fever afterwards...NOT fun!
You're beautiful Bonnie. I'm excited for your growing family.
Much Love
bonnie, I love all the pictures and i am so excited for you. I cannot wait to see my new cute nephew. I love you guys. shar
he is absoultly beatiful I'm so excited for you and glad evrything workd out good for you guys congrats on your beautiful family
first of all.. you look way to good in that hospital bed to be ready to go into labor. pretty ridiculous if you ask me! so cute
second.. i can't believe you have 4 kids.. crazy! they are all so beautiful and so are you (and you hubs).
third.. CONGRATS on a perfect healthy baby (glad things turned out perfectly even with the scare with the cord!) what a neat experience.. and how lucky those little spirits are to come to such a strong, healthy home.
I can't believe I haven't looked sooner. I have been wondering how things were going? I have called, but I'm sure you are so tired. I will continue to bug you. I wish I were there to hold this sweet baby, and kiss his chubby cheeks. I am so glad that Kenn is taking to him so well. I love you Bon, and I can't wait to meet the new little addition.
AHHH! So wonderful! What a great experience! Thank you for sharing it! Good luck with all of the up-coming "new baby" events!!
He is so beautiful!!! I love the name.....
He is so beautiful!!! I love his name......
Oh Bonnie I'm so sorry you got so sick after! He is sooooooo beautiful!!!!!!!! I wish I could see all of you!!!
Congratulations!!! OH the chubby babies are so cute but it is so sad when they are not little long... or really little at all! Grrrrr! Having to put 0-3 month clothes away when your "baby" is only 4 weeks now that is a bummer. anyway he is a doll good work!
I see you found Kennedy's pink kitty for Lukas to bring her. I am so glad that you are still healthy, it must have been scary! Congrats again0 he is so dang cute!
Congratulations!! Glad you were finally able to have him, he is so adorable! I hope you are adjusting to having a little one, you look amazing for just having a baby!! I am so happy for you!!!!!
he is so adorable! i just loved reading that post! and how do you look so amazing after giving birth?
Hey! COngrats! Glad hes finally here! love the name. So happy you didnt have to have a c-section. Love ya
Bonnie!!! Lately I've been on kind of a facebook kick, so I haven't been reading blogs! I just read your delivery story for the first time. I'm glad everything worked out ok for you. I had a VBAC with Colby, and they did induce me--I'm glad it was at a different hospital! I didn't know about that policy here. Did you love delivering here, though? I love the staff. Phyllis has been with me through both babies here in Cedar, and she helped my mom deliver ME!!! And Matt was my bishop back in college--I just love him! Congratulation--Lukas is adorable!
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