Oh Kat-lee-
I can't believe that you are twenty two years old now! And soon officially entering the world of "Mothers." It seems like just yesterday when you were singing "Oh Boy I got Joy" in your cutest little voice, with your tight piggy tails!
Some of my favorite things about Katie are-
*She is generous. She is always offering to help out and pay for things.
*She is very smart. She has always been smart and will continue to be!
*She calls me a lot! I appreciate that because I get home sick and it really makes my day!
*She is everyone's favorite Aunt. The kids love the sleepovers they get to have at her house.
*She is sooooo beautiful. She has always been such a pretty child and now a beautiful women.
*She is a good listener!! Just recently I was really having a hard time and Katie called and she could sense it. She asked me what was wrong and let me "unload" on her. She listened the whole time, without changing the subject, or being pre-occupied! She really made me feel better. I have always appreciated what a good listener she is!
*She is sincere!!
Katie I just love you so much and can't believe my baby sister is growing up! I am so excited for you to be a mother. I know you will be great!
To view more cute pictures of Katie and nice things about her go to Becca's blog!
Cute Bonnie, I agree with everything you said about our sweet little EITAK.I love the pictures of you two. In the first one you guys look alike!
Oh Ban-ya-such a sentimental nut cause. can't wait to see you
p.s. Happy Birthday AGAIN Kate
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