20 years ago: I was Seven years old.I do remember when I was seven going and visiting Uncle Marty and Aunt Georgia at their home in Wyoming to see Heidi get baptized. I thought it was so neat and was really excited about my own baptism!
10 years ago: I was 17! My favorite teenage age! I think at 17 I really found myself and who I wanted to be! I really started to have confidence and loved being me!!
5 years ago: I was 22. Savanah was four months old and at the end of this year I found out we were pregnant with our second! We were in our first house and loving life!!
3 years ago: I was 24! I was pregnant with Kennedy. Beau got in a car crash, had a major surgery. We had no job because of the crash! Caleb was in therapy for his third degree burn on his arm and I was suppose to be on bed rest from never ending contractions!! Probably the hardest year we have had so far. But we learned and grew from it!
1 year ago: I was 26! Finally feeling adjusted to Cedar City and really enjoying it here! Having fun exploring and finding new places!
Yesterday: I was babysitting and wishing I were in St. George shopping!!
Today: I have driven all over doing errands , taken my children to and from school. Parent teacher conference too!
Tomorrow: Cleaning like a mad women- and hopefully shopping in St. George!
This Month: I get to see my family! I haven't been home for almost 8 months!!
This Year: We might move again-hopefully start expanding our family sometime- and enjoy life and each other!!
I tag Shellie, Ana, Mom, Aunt Kristie, Lisa , and whoever.. I know.. tag your it, then me, then you, its never ending!
3 weeks ago
I love this tag. It is cute and different. Thanks for sharing.
I love you ~Ali
wohoo! I've never been tagged before. I have running around to do then I'm going to come back and play tag. I loved reading yours and it's so cool that I was there for it all. love you!
between family and friends I have three tags to catch up on. I think I'll put them all on the same post. I am so bad at doing them right away.. I think today will be a catch up on blog/neglect my children day! You need to call me and let me know your families fave foods so that I can get some shopping done before you come!
I can't believe you have made it 8 months without going home. I am sure it will be soooo fun for all of you to be together. I hope you get a great family picture with all of you together. I will come and take it for you with my really professional digi camera! You saw that bad boy... it doesn't get much better. Anyhoo... I love your tag. I don't know if I want to say what I was doing ten years ago... HA HA HA!!!!!
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