Ever since Caleb was three, he would ask Beau in his sweet little voice "daddy, I want a motorbike like you." Beau would say "When you get older. You have to learn to ride a bike without training wheels first." Caleb has been persistent in his asking. He remembered last year when he mastered his bike at age four and then really started asking about his motorbike. Beau finally told him "When you turn five, we will see what we can do."
With his Birthday less than a month away, you can imagine Caleb's persistent hounding about "daddy's promise". Of course being the over-protective mother that I am, I was pretty dead set that he wouldn't be getting one. That five was WAY to young!! But Beau reassured me that he NEEDED to teach his little man to ride so he could have a constant ridding budding through the years. So I told them both that we could start looking and tucked my babysitting money so we could get one!
We found a 2006 Honda CRF 50 at seriously a steal of a deal. So we took Caleb up to see how it fit him and of course, both Beau and him were hooked! And of course, Beau couldn't wait two more weeks to give it to him, so Caleb got an early birthday present.

I seriously thought it would take days, or weeks for him to learn to ride it. I looked outside after only TEN MINUTES and this is what I saw!!
I am still amazed that he rode so quickly!!
What the.... No way! That is awesome!!!!! Caleb.. happy early birthday. You look like a stud riding your bike! You are one lucky guy. You have the best mom and dad ever!
How CUTE!!! Beau must be so proud. We had a 50 when we were little, too. It was great fun.
Happy early birthday!
oh bon, that looks like so much fun! i bet that they will love riding together whenever they can! (:
That is awesome!!! I can't believe our boys will be 5. Time sure has flown by. I am very impressed and now nervous to show that to Logan because he has been wanting one as well. Happy BIrthday CALEB!!!
I am not showing Chris these video's. He has been talking about a motorbike for Gabe for over a year now. He must be crazy! It doesn't help that we have Beau's twin right across the street! GOOD JOB CALEB, you are so awesome! He look's so big Bon.
That is great! He is doing so good. I bet he is just loving it. What a great thing for Beau and Caleb to be able to do together.
I oh my Gosh! Brandon is going to want to buy one for Ben now....Caleb you are SO big.
Love you!
Love ali
Bonnie you brave, brave girl. I hope Tyson doesn't hound us about that because his own daddy is lucky I even let him buy one for himself. Caleb looks good on it though!
You are so trusting. I think I am going to be the most paranoid mother ever. Caleb seems so little to be riding a motor bike. I've only actually done it once by myself... I fell over after about 50 yards!
Looking good! HOw fun is that! YOu guys have a lot of fun with that! It will last for years, not the bike, but the memories, right? I can't believe he learned to ride so quickly!
Yes! Oh, Bon--I need to get Truman to CedarCit so Caleb can motivate him to learn to ride a BIKE. Yes! I bet he just loves it--you guys are awesome!
I can guarantee a post like this on my blog for Jack's 5th birthday. Sometimes it's funny how similar our hubbies are!
Hey Bon, that is so fun! Now we know who else we can call when we go riding down south. He is a natural and Beau is right they will be riding buddies for life.
Bon, it is so fun reading about you and your family, what a fun thing to do with your family. The bikes it's so you.
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