To MY Sweety-
The funniest thing about Beau was how persistent he was to date me! He came over all the time and kept asking me on dates. I was dating somebody else at the time, but Beau kept flippantly saying "Until you are married- you are free game!" He always said things that seemed so arrogant to me -oh like the time he said after a motorbike ride "Maybe if you are lucky, next time I will kiss ya!" (yes that is truly what he said) To which I quickly responded "Maybe if you were lucky I would let you!
I always found creative ways to invite my sisters on our dates. On one date we went canoing , and I threatened my sister Hanna to not leave me alone with him. But she had it all planned out with him. When we paddled by a dock she jumped out, leaving Beau and I alone to canoe and talk! We had been out a few times before this, but this was the first time that I changed my mind about Beau. We talked for hours. He told me all about his life and the hard things he had gone through and also shared some amazing experiences he had on his mission. I can honestly say at this point, although I didn't want to admit it, that I was falling for him! I realized how wrong I was about him. That he wasn't arrogant at all and that I had totally misjudged him! And as you all know- the rest is history! We had so much in common- motorbikes, camping, fishing, what we wanted out of life, it was hard NOT to fall in love with him!! (And I am so glad I did)
I am forever grateful for my husbands persistence! For him taking a chance on a pow-dunk girl from Iona! Sometimes I still wonder why in the world he chose me! I am truly the luckiest girl in the world! My heart still melts when he walks through the door after work!
I love you babe and I will love you forever!! Happy Valentines Day!
Yeah I remember all the times you whined about him pestering
but aren't you glad that you took that second and third and fourth look.....If it hadn't been for Jon bugging me to death I would never have known how amazing he is....well then again..just read my new blog..I won't drag it on HAPPY VDAY BON !!!
i remember you you saying that you didn't like him... ha ha! i also remember when you ran over to tell us that you were engaged! we never really know what life will bring us! love you girl!
you guys are so cute! That is a good story. I am so sad my story has Drew trying to call off our wedding in it... boo hoo for me.
Oh Bonnie...How I remember those days of you and him dating:)Funny how is seems like it was yesterday! I am so glad that you joined the family!!! We are so much alike...Love ya!
What a touching message to your hubby! I do have to say I have a pretty great cousin! I am so glad to see you guys found each other and make each other so happy. Just from knowing you both, you were both the best things to happen to each other. You both beam when you are together and it is something really special to still feel that huge spark when they walk in the room. Not lots of girls get that, so i consider us both very lucky girls! I have quite a keeper myself! Love you guys...
Well this is really goofy, and I realize you dont know me. I was feeling nastalgic and decided it would be fun to get a hold of my missionaires. Well, Beau is one of them. Because of him my life has changed completely.
I have been reading your blogs with my oldest Erica, and cant believe that after 12 yrs he still looks the same. (maybe just a little more content...ok and maybe just a few happy lines) What a beautiful family and life you two have made.
I would love to chat with you both.
Take care, Kari Bullock (Belieu) (hey,you would understand the email address if you lived in Washington. LOL!)
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