It really is a miracle that I got my van soooo sparkling clean! I almost gave up and took it in to get details. But after calling around and finding out that is wasn't cheaper than $175 anywhere (what the heck) I decided to toughen up! I literally shampooed it by hand. I have a hand tool from Kirby and I sprayed Kirby Foam (my favorite product ever for carpets) and then scrubbed it by hand! I started at 3:00 p.m. and finished at around 6:30-7:00 (it was that bad)
Who knew- my van could look soooo good! Usually it looks like this-(except w/o the Zima)
That was freaking HYSTERICAL!!!!!!! I am very proud of what your van looks like now! You should have left it the way it was... then you never had to worry about a spill! HEE HEE HEE! LOVE YA
will you come do mine now please!!
Mine is actualy clean becuase i am the minivan nazi! It's that army wife in me..but I do have to admit that my passenger side floor is COVERED with the empty envelopes and junk mail from when I open my mail waiting to pick up the kids from school fully expecting to toss it all out once I pull into the garage....yeahhhhhhhhh right!
hahaha... your such a nerd. I know you are cleaning your van so we can all fit this weekend (I know, everyone is jealous that we get to spend the weekend with Bonnie!) I'm so excited to see you and your cute cute family!
Aparently Zima sponsered that!!! But I was laughing so hard.. You should see my car right now. This morning I was trying to pull sticky paper and coins from my drink holder. I had some children's medicine in there that leaked. Don't ask me why it was in my car! It seriously needs a deep cleaning... But not in the COLD weather we are having! G
Are you going to come clean mine next? Ha ha ha!
I've seen this movie before and I love it. Alas, I have no electrical outlet outside that I can use to plug my Kirb into, so I always have to go to a friend's house to vacuum out my car. I would love to shampoo it, but it'll have to wait for warmer weather.
Way to go Bonnie!! I am so proud of you. Now you can stop telling me to NOT look in your van.
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