My children often have nightmares and I find them tapping my shoulder, in the middle of the night, wanting to crawl into bed with me. I try to comfort them and then make them a bed on the floor, or tell them to go back to their room. It is a pretty common occurrence and usually their nightmares are pretty scary.
Well it just so happened Savanah came in my bedroom the other night (it is mostly Caleb or Kennedy). She tapped my shoulder and told me she "had a bad dream." I told her it was ok and that she needed to go lay back down. But she was obviously still scared, so I crawled out of bed and made her a bed on the floor.
In the morning I asked her what she dreamed about. She shook her head no and didn't want to expound on last nights terrors. But I told her to tell me and we could talk about it. I finally coaxed it out of her. Here is her dream in her words~
" I was playing hide-n-go seek with Chandler. (this is her cousin) We found a really good place to hide and Caleb was looking for us. When he found us, he thought we were giant hot dogs and ate us."
At this point she teared up and I seriously had to turn my head to hold back the laughter. That was it! That was the dream? No goblins, or bad men, or monsters? Beau comforted her as we both tried hard to compose ourselves. I usually feel sympathetic and did, it is just that her "nightmare" took me by surprise!!
I had to write this one down. It is one I don't want to forget and I am sure when I tell her when she is older we will have a lot to laugh about! HA
Also, I finally has some time to post another Photography session I did last Wednesday! Click here!
That is so funny...I can totally picture you having to turn your head to hide the smiling and mere laughter that it caused!
Hey, it would be scary to have your identity taken, much less transformed into a hot dog and then eaten.
If she liked hot dogs before this dream, does she still like them...I wonder?
How funny! I re-read it to Hondo and Kelsey. They both got a good laugh too!
Ha ha! I loved it!!!
Ooooh bless her sweet little heart. That would be a tough one not to laugh at but how sweet her innocent heart is.
LOL I love those timis when you have to be a good Mom and keep a straight face. Ha!
that is so cute!
Ahhhh so sad for her and HILLARIOUS for you!! Those hot dogs can be scary I guess in the middle of the night that is.
Good job for journaling this one.
This is hysterical Bonnie! Isn't it funny how their little minds work. And yes, she and you will laugh about it again for sure! Thanks for sharing. I always appreciate other funny stories about what kids say (or dream about).
That is way too funny!! What a little sweetie.
Ha! That is hilarious!!
I, on the other hand, have daydreams about hot dogs. Love 'em!
I also love that cute little pregnancy countdown you have on the sidebar--much cuter than the freaky embryo alien baby.
Okay, if that isn't the scariest dream I have ever heard. I would be crawling into my parent's bed to. Hot dogs are freaky!! No, that is the cutest thing ever. What our imaginations come up with. It was a good laugh.
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