I always feel like I spent a weekend at the spa after listening to conference. I feel motivated (which these days is needed), rejuvenated, goal oriented, and peaceful. I loved all of the talks and it is so hard to just choose a few favorites.
For me personally, Elder Eyring's talk really stands out. I loved that he talked about "Unity, being peacemakers, using righteous judgment, and speaking well of others". I know I have said before that life is full of people who want to tear others down or belittle them. Life is hard enough without those who would want to buoy us up in the "ways of the world." But on the same note their are many people who are gentle, loving, and kind. Those who promote Unity is their thoughts and actions. It really gets me thinking, am I like this? How can I be like this? Do I speak well of others? I know I really can do so much better!!
I also loved the Prophets talk on "Enjoying the Journey". He mentioned that soon the never ending pile of clothes, the dishes, and large amounts of housework, will soon go away. Meaning the time with our children is short and precious. It made me want to be a better mother! Try a little harder! Express continually to my children and husband how much I love them! It is easy to get caught up in life, but I do want to Enjoy the Journey! I have so many ways that I can and need to improve!
When conference is done I feel like, although I am this imperfect person with so many flaws, the Lord loves me still. "I can do anything...", like the Relief Society Pres. said, "in the strength of the Lord."
The Relief Society Pres. Counselor ( sorry I can't find my notes and her name has left me) talked about her conversion to the gospel. How so many were affected by her decision. It made me want to share more experiences from my own life. Wouldn't it be fun if every Fast Sunday we all shared something that has strengthened us. Blogging is also for sharing our beliefs and I share a lot about my family and what we do, but maybe not enough about my love for my Savior and the gospel! And I definitely want to more! I hesitate often in sharing experiences because they are personal, but if others can benefit from our sharing our flaws, our learning experiences, and those times that help us to grow, don't we all benefit?
Sorry I know I am just rambling....but I have a lot on my mind! I loved conference so much! I love the Lord. He has bestowed so many tender mercies upon me and my little family. He is loving and forgiving. I know the the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. It is something I have always believed through my parents teachings, but it is something I KNOW from my own personal experience to be true! Maybe sometime I will share my own experience of how I prayed to know myself!
The Relief Society Pres. Counselor ( sorry I can't find my notes and her name has left me) talked about her conversion to the gospel. How so many were affected by her decision. It made me want to share more experiences from my own life. Wouldn't it be fun if every Fast Sunday we all shared something that has strengthened us. Blogging is also for sharing our beliefs and I share a lot about my family and what we do, but maybe not enough about my love for my Savior and the gospel! And I definitely want to more! I hesitate often in sharing experiences because they are personal, but if others can benefit from our sharing our flaws, our learning experiences, and those times that help us to grow, don't we all benefit?
Sorry I know I am just rambling....but I have a lot on my mind! I loved conference so much! I love the Lord. He has bestowed so many tender mercies upon me and my little family. He is loving and forgiving. I know the the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. It is something I have always believed through my parents teachings, but it is something I KNOW from my own personal experience to be true! Maybe sometime I will share my own experience of how I prayed to know myself!
Just curious, but what were your favorite Conference talks? What stood out for you?
My kids really wanted to watch cartoons during conference. I didn't feel like fighting them, so I went upstairs to watch it in my bedroom. So, as I'm standing there folding a mountain of laundry the prophet says, "The laundry will wait..." I turned to the TV and was like, "Are you talking to me?" I thought it was kind of funny. It was a great conference. I feel the same uplifting as you do.
I have a lot of favorites! There were also a few from the R.S. broadcrast that I've been thinking a lot about too!!! But my favorite quote that I am going to put on tiles for the gals I VT, is from Sister Dalton, Through the Strength of the Lord, I can do Hard Things.
I also enjoy conference as well. It always makes me want to try harder.
Bon.. I too loved conference... I loved so much but one of my fave's was when Sis. Dalton said...
".....we have been deceived by false role models and persuasive media messages that cause us to forget our divine identity....What could be more deceptive than to entice women, young and old, you and me, to be so involved in ourselves, our looks, our clothes, our body shape and size that we lose sight of our divine identity and our ability to change the world through our virtuous influence."
I could not agree with this more. I think the media is filled with portrayals of women who are hopelessly thin, selfish and unfulfilled as mothers. I think we forget too often that we do and should have a virtuous influence on those around us.
Anywho.. just one of my fave's that really hit home. Love ya mucho.
I loved it too!!! I always do...I look forward to it every 6 months. To be in the comfort of my home and family listening to the prophet. It could not get any better then that.
Did you take notes? I always have good intentions too but I never do!
I would have to say Sis. Dalton was one of my favorites, I had many. I really liked the prophet's talk when he said we need to "Enjoy the journey."
Thanks for your insight and thoughts, we are extremely blessed!
my favorite talk was elder holland on saturday. it was on hope. i really liked presiden monsons talk though. and elder eyring was good too. i just enjoyed everything i heard at conference this time!
I too loved Pres. Monson's talk on enjoying the journey. I always felt like my mom enjoyed us growing up. And while I do enjoy my kids, I want to enjoy it more. And what he said really made me think about that. I also loved the talk on hope. It was so nice, in a time of turmoil and instability in our world right now, to listen to our prophets and apostles and regain that strong base of the gospel & the Lord. This last conference was just wonderfully inspiring and uplifting.
Thank you for writing that! I love to read your thoughts and feelings. YOu are so well written. I loved every bit of conference!
Lucky you! You've been tagged. See my blog for more info! :)
First off Bonnie, thanks so verymuch for all the cool cmments on the blog of ours. You have always been such a wonderful young girl and as you are now a wonderfully beautiful young mom, you haven't changed. My buddy jerry was blessed with such beautiful and just kind girls that i was always jealous. I didn't get my little girl gems until after Tony & David!
Also, good that you listened to conference. I got most of it, between naps!!! i loved it though. It was great. Say Hi to your other beautiful sisters!
I wish I could tell you what talk I enjoyed the most. Tonight is my first day off and I have not been able to watch conference yet. I enjoy listening to all the talks you always come away feeling so close to the lord.
I love your new picture at the top. So cute!
How did I miss this post? I can't even tell you what my favorite parts of conference were... I LOVED it all! Specifically, I'm trying to change my mode of prayer. My new goal is every morning as well as the evening, scenes how they are linked as one, as Elder Bednar stated. I'm bad- mornings are so crazy I don't even think about it! Always room for improvement, huh?:)
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