I had so much fun with Han while she was here. The second day she was here I treated us to facials and deep conditioning treatments. I am sure we scared the girls who took care of us. We made them ramble off there celebrity crush's and made them play a fun game of "Which would you rather". I couldn't stop giggling!!
Some of the other fun things we did were....go out on a date night with our hubby's to Winger's without all the kiddos. It was a BLAST!!! I have missed Banaan..(our nickname for Hanna) so much!! I miss hanging out with them and being able to do stuff like that!

We also bought necklace stuff and made some Fab and trendy necklaces and earrings, watched movies, had yummy homemade Jamba juices (courtesy of Chris), shopped in St. George, caught up on some series (heehee), Hanna treated me to YUMMY Sushi, took pictures, went site-seeing, stayed up way to late and loved it, talked about life, and of course laughed, laughed, and laughed!!

We also got to go to Kolob Canyon and show them how beautiful this place is! It has so much to offer. I wish we could have shown them more sites, but it seems no matter who comes to visit there is never enough time!
Of course the guys got to go dirtbikin' almost every day and go piant balling twice! Beau had so much fun with Chris! It was nice for him to be able to do some of the things he loves with somebody who like it too!
Thank you so much for coming guys! We miss you so much already and hope you plan another trip soon...Vegas here we come baby!!(wink wink)
Thank you so much for coming guys! We miss you so much already and hope you plan another trip soon...Vegas here we come baby!!(wink wink)
Also, check out their couple session too, by clicking here!
These two are seriously too GORGEOUS for their own good!!

These two are seriously too GORGEOUS for their own good!!

YOU are too beautiful for your own good! Sisters are the best, huh? You two totally look alike too! More so than your others (at least the ones I know). Glad you had so much fun.
that is so fun! i love being with my sister. it would be hard to be away from her!
I am so giggling right now...Easton says hey Aunt Bonnie is really close to that guy...He thought that you were Hanana...Wow you guys look a lot more alike...I have to say you have the baby Glow! You look great. I wish we could have chatted longer Sat...Wes was in the store and came out faster then I thought! I miss you girly!
I am pretty sure you are not supposed to be so dang cute when you are pregnant! You and your sister are adorable! I am jealous!
Sisters are so great. You two look so much a like. You are both beautiful! It sounds like so much fun, I think I might have to go give my sister a call..(hee,hee!)
When I read this post I started to miss my own 5 sisters and wish I was staying up late with them as well. You can tell that you love your family Hannah so much. How lucky we are to part of families that love to be with each other. You two look so beautiful!
If I had nothing in the world except for my hubby, children and my loving sisters, I would be content with that.
Thanks for the post and glad you had a great visit with her~
I didn't think you guys looked that much alike until I saw that picture of you together. Your hair is getting so long, you look great!! I am so thankful to have sisters, they make life more fun!
You look so pretty! I love your photography you are so amazaming. Good thing for sisters!
I love sisters! They are the best and so much fun. I'm the only one of my sisters who lives outside Idaho Falls, so I miss them all the time. Glad you guys had such a great time.
I'm so glad you had so much fun!! I'm glad that your sister's baby is doing better too:) By the way...you are way too gorgeous!!!
I LOVE the one with you and Han. Dang boogs, looks like I need to be doing me a facial and deep conditioning too. You girls look FABULOUS! I love hearing your stories when you girls get together. Cracks me up the things you think of.
Man Bonnie, Seeing you and Hanna Banana makes me laugh and think of all the fun bunko nights we had. I always had the funnest time with you and Hanna cackling and cracking me up. Your sisters are so much fun! Love ya!
You and your sis are so beautiful and I do have to say you definately have the pregnancy glow going on! I love it. Glad you had a fantastic time with your family.
I loved the pictures of you and Hannah, I am glad you two were able to spend time together! Hope you are feeling better and congrats on the pregnancy!!
Wow. Your picture of the two of you is gorgeous! I'm sorry you missed the General Relief Society Broadcast. If you can, watch in online. It really was amazing. I look forward to reading it again in the Conference Issue of the ensign but listening to Pres. Uchtdorf say it was the best. Congratulations on your new baby!
Jill (Munns) Adams
Looks like you had a great time... it makes me miss my family a bit too. That is SO exciting that you are pregnant! I know how badly you were wanting to be. Sorry you're sick... I definitely know how that can be! ugh!
I am so happy for you. And COOL birthday! I want a 4wheeler!
Good luck with everything and feel better soon!
Bonnie we really did have the best time! I can't wait to come and visit again, and SOON!!! We really do look like eachother in that picture. I'm one lucky girl to look like my super model sister!!! You guys are the best and we miss you so much!!
P.S. You are the WORLDS BEST PHOTOGRAPHER!!!! I love the pics!!! Every one reading has got to book a session!!!
P.S.S. Lets meet Cam and the gang for lunch at the Ivy. I am so over Southern Cookin, JT has got to up his game!TEEHEE>>>
so much fun! I wish Cameron and I could just drive down their and visit. Hopefully once this baby comes, we will be able to come down (now wouldn't be too good, I might go into labor between my home and yours.) I love our family, we've got some darn good sisters!
Oh my gosh, you Coon Girls just get prettier and prettier! Keep having fun!
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