Life here has been so busy for us! So many things are going on !
One of the guys that works with Beau is retiring so this means more "On -Call" for Beau. He is on his third week in a row of being "on-call". I am starting to feel the strain and can't wait until I get him at nights! He is such a great guy! He never complains about his job. He loves it and loves providing for us!! I am so lucky and so very blessed!!
Savanah and Caleb have been loving school. They like to pick their clothes out the night before, and have everything ready! I will start helping out in each of their classes soon too! It has been fun to have free time with just Kennedy. Kennedy has been loving the time she gets with me and asks to go "shop" everyday. (oh, a girl after my on heart.)
We have had so much Zucchini, tomato's, squash, and other veggies. I have been keeping busy baking, freezing, and canning. I shredded all of the Zucchini and packaged them in freezer bags so we could make Zucchini dishes all year round. We have made fresh salsa every night and down it before we have a chance to save it!
I made Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread last night and man was it good!! (click on the title, for the recipe). I have also cut up all of my banana squash and have gotten them ready for freezing as well. I am excited to have healthy options even through winter!
We have also been trying to finish some of our outside projects before it is to late. Our sandbox is almost finished. We got new trees planted, and our fire pit is ready to be finished. We also finally got the kids a trampoline. I don't know why it took me forever to get one. I am so glad we have one now.

With that fresh, crisp, cool, feeling in the air. My heart gets excited with anticipation for Fall and all it has to offer. My favorite time of year!! I love the colors. I love wearing sweaters, hoodies, and jeans. I love the feel of the cool air against my cheeks. I love the crackling sound of leaves crunching beneath my feet. Everything about Fall makes me feel connected to the earth .(Silly, I know, but true) I love the Holidays associated with Fall. Fall makes me grateful to live on this beautiful earth. It reminds me of family, of picture taking, and parties. Oh I can already smell fresh mulled cider and apples thinking of Fall and I am ready!!
~BriNg on tHe LeaVes!!~
Oh and check out this bad boy tutu I won on a blogger contest! I never win anything! I can't wait to do a photography session using this!!

Oh and check out this bad boy tutu I won on a blogger contest! I never win anything! I can't wait to do a photography session using this!!

This site is so cute! Thanks Devyn for telling me about it! I owe you a free session with that new baby for helping me win this!!
You are busy! Too busy to call me back too! :) Your bread looks DELICOUS and I want pictures of the sand box and fun projects. LOVE YA
Hey Bonnie! This is Christine from good 'ole Bonneville. I know we didn't hang out much in H.S., but I just wanted to tell you that I love checking your blog and think you are amazing. You seem like the greatest mother, wife, homemaker, and sister. All of your projects, crafts, photogrophy, recipes, and ideas are so creative and fun. If I could be half as productive as you, I'd be happy (although I know it will never happen-I don't have any creativity or craftiness in me at all!). Anyway, just wanted to let you know I think you are great and also an amazing example to the rest of us. Thanks!
Mmmmm, yummy...that zuchinni bread looks fantastically delicious!
I love this time of year too, for many of the same reasons you shared.
We need to have a lunch date with the girls, now that most of our kids are in school...costa vida and the park or something :)
oh you are so welcome!! i would love you to do a session for my little girl.. but it doesnt need to be free. seiously! i am still so jealous that you have so many fresh veggies! and yumm chocolate!! i also love fall, i just hope that it is longer than the spring was this year.
That tutu is so cute! I am definately going to have to try out the bread it looks divine!
Awesome tutu! I look forward to the pictures.
I haven't prepared anything for winter yet... I do plan on canning peaches and maybe freezing some corn. My black bean soup is delish with some fresh frozen corn. Okay, You've inspired me.
I'm with ya on the season of FALL:} Love it!! By the way...that zucchini bread looks deliciously scrumptious and I think I'm gonna have to try it.
We do need to live by each other! I think that is a GREAT idea! I'll see if I can't put a bug in Cody's ear!
Funny thing, we had a similar day, well aside from the fact that I don't have a garden, I only have 1 child (and about 100 other differences!) I made a BUNCH of mini loaves of chocolate chip banana bread the other day! Ahhh!! I am packaging it up today in cute wrapping to take to my neighbors and the gals I Visit and Teach! I must hurry before I eat it all by myself!!!
my mouth is watering just looking at that bread...yummmy!! i just love fall too! wish it was longer! hey, i would love for you to shoot some pictures of my little guy. when is the next time your going to be in I.F.?
How do you do it all? I have a bunch a veggies that need attention, but I can't seem to find the time! You really are super woman! Love the tutu! How cute will that be! I saw a picture once and it was little girl in a skirt like that and with it she had on some hi-top pink converse! Sooo! Cute! Hope all is well!
Hey- nice zucchini bread recipe- the more chocolate the better! Sorry again about your absentee husband, we really should get together more often- my fault I know- but maybe we should consider starting a support group!
Don't ya love the fall.....ahhh the smells and all the leaves. I just don't Christmas quite yet!
Your garden has turned out really well and it's awesome that you have made so much food with the vegis.
Are you coming up here at all in during the holidays? If you do and you have time we should get our families together for dinner???
oops, I need to proof read. I meant I don't want Christmas quite yet.
I'm so glad you shared your zucchinni recipe. I'm making some for my mom tomorrow! Thanks! I'm glad I can check your inspiring blog again(I actually started peeking this past week...shhh.) BTW- I really wish you were my neighbor. You would keep me inspired daily! Plus, I'm sure we'd have a lot of fun!!:)
Bonnie, that tutu is so cute. If you like that site, you should check
they have cute stuff and good ideas too.
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