I LOVE the feel of a child moving and growing inside of me. I love having a belly. I love the closeness I feel to the Lord. I love the vivid spiritual dreams and experience that I have while pregnant. I love the closeness of the spirit and that feeling once the baby is delivered that is in the room, well you all know, is indescribable!! Many of you know that with my last baby I was robbed of all of that. I had a "natural" c-section, in the sense the T-blocker didn't take, so I felt everything but the incision. SO I crave to have a GOOD experience again! I even crave this:
YES!! WE ARE FINALLY PREGNANT!!! It feels so surreal because for so long now it hasn't happened for us. But we are so excited and have been feeling for so long that our family has been missing somebody!!
So in my own defense, to all those I have flaked out on recently and been unreliable too, I am sorry! I know that many know it isn't like me, but I have been really sick. And as luck always has had it for me, I will continue to be. But I wouldn't trade any loss of meals, lack of appetite, or exhaustion, for this experience once again!!! I hopefully can reschedule the many appointments I have canceled and get back to feeling OK soon!
I have another post I will try to get to soon. I filmed the kids when we told them! They have been so excited and soooooo SWEET to me! Hopefully I am not jumping the gun by telling everyone so soon, but I am too excited and to sick to try to hide it!!!
Congratulations! I am so excited for you and your family. I, too, am one that loves being pregnant. I think it is the greatest gift from our Heavenly Father. I am totally baby hungry and have been for a few months (ok-a year), but my husband wants to wait another year or two! I'll have to relish in your pregnancy updates instead! Good luck-I hope you aren't sick for too long.
Congrats...lil woman! I am so so so Excited for you! It is weird not to be pregnant with you...seems that is how it worked for the last 3:) But I will enjoy watching you go through it...I wish I could be there to help!!! CONGRATS AGAIN!
We love you,
Okay- I SO knew you were pregnant! It was all I could do to not say something tacky because some people are really private about that for a long time...not me. I'm so glad you shared. Mason is grown now & I could have another newborn again. Don't worry though, my insanity wouldn't allow it yet. Congrats!! Did I miss how far along you were??
I am so excited for you. I'm sorry you have been sick but hopefully it will pass soon and you will be enjoying some ice cream and pickles. :)
Love ya!
Ohhh Bonnie! I am so happy for you! I too am very sick when I'm pregnant. But when you feel them move around inside it makes it so worth it. It truly is a blessing to be able to be a mother. Congrats!!!
By the way, you might be the cutest pregnant woman I have ever seen.
Congratulations! I am so excited for you, babies are the best and you have such a cute family and are such a great mom, I am glad to see you have another one.
Congratulations!! That is so exciting!! I too agree with the love of pregnancy and the blessing it is. Even though I complained a lot this last pregnancy, it truly is a blessing. I am so happy for you guys!!!
COngradulations Bon! We are xcited for you. Can't wait to see another little bundle of joy in the Bunnells household. Love you and miss you.
Love Ali
Congratulations!! How exciting! I too love being pregnant, but I am a lucky non-sick pregnant lady, so that makes it nice. When is your due date? Good luck!! Congrats again!
Congrats!! That's great news. I hope you feel better soon. How far along are you?
Congratulations guys, how far along are you, maybe you said it but i missed it, anyways that is great. love ya holli
Oh my goodness, I am so happy and excited for you. I know you've been waiting for some time now and it's finally happened, YEAH!!!
The cute picture of you when you were almost 9 months along w/ Kennedy, holy heck girl, you didn't even hardly look 7 months pregnant. You were tiny and so cute.
I hope your sickness doesn't last too much longer.
miss ya :)
Congratulations Bonnie & Beau! That is so exciting, we are so happy for you. I hope you get feeling better soon.
Congratulations! I know exactly how you feel about your pregnancy.
I enjoyed all of them. I hope you aren't sick for to long and that the delivery is much easier!!
Yeah, Bonnie I am so happy for you guys! Katie told me you had been trying and I am so excited that you finally are! Hope you aren't sick for to long and keep the positive outlook!
A child is the greatest gift I am so excited for you guys! Another beautiful baby!! How far along are you? When are you due? I hope you start feeling better soon So you can really start to enjoying being pregnant.
Wow! I wish I had your wondeful attitude. I will just add that to the list of things that I admire about you. You are an adorable pregnant women! I don't think you are suppose to look like that when you are nine months pregnant. Also, I don't enjoy my belly, probably because it's just a belly, not a cute baby! Congrats!
CONGRATS! It is so exciting being pregnant and knowing that another blessing will be added to the family. How fun for you! Hope you feel better!
keep us posted on all that is happening with this new bundle.
Yay!!! Congratulations!!!
Yeah! I am so glad you are finally pregnant! That is awesome! I can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl!!! I hope you start feeling better soon! LOVE YA!
Congratulations! I'm so exctied for you and I hope things go smoother this time. Nothing is better than a brand new baby. How exciting!
Bonnie I am so excited for you hunny!! I miss u! call me! 520-459-3203
Holy cow, I am #23 to comment....sheesh I must be slow or you are just so popular. That must be it!!
Congrats on baby # 4!!! You are now in my offical baby club of four kids. It's a privlage to be in my club, lot's of perks. JK!! You are so cute pregnant and I'm really happy that I get to be around for this one(sorda...via the internet)
Get some rest and congrats!!
Congrats! That is so exciting for your family. I hope that if I ever got pregnant I could look as good as you do in that picture!!
Yeah!!! Congratulations!! How exciting for you and your family! I love to hear of others who love to be pregnant. So many just complain about it. You are such a great mom...Good Luck with your whole pregnancy!!
YAY!!!! I am so excited for you!!! How fun! I hope you are feeling better fast!!!
Oh Boogs, don't lie--I know that you are really only three months pregnant in that picture. Where's the REAL nine-month prego girl? :)
WOW! What great news. Im happy for you guys. What a great family for a lil one to be brought to.
AHHHH! congrats! that is so exciting!!! and i can't believe that picture is when you were 9 months pregnant... that is not even funny.. you're so tiny! lucky! i can only hope to look that great! are you going to shoot for 8 like your parents???? you should.. your kids are the most adorable things ever! feel better soon!
Wow Bonnie you have quite the fan club. Congrats on the new baby. He or she will be adorable.
Congrats, Bon. I'm so happy for you. I know you've been waiting for this for a while.! I'm especially happy that you love being pregnant so much. I wish I liked it...at all. Pretty much delivery is the only part I like and that's just because I get the kid finally. So, once the sickness abates you'll have to blog all your wonderful pregnancy feelings so I can live vicariously through your good experience. Maybe it will motivate me to have another sometime!
Bon!...I'm still crying. What a joyous thing! I am extremely happy for you and your family. I will be patiently waiting to see the films of your children's excitement when receiving the good news.
I am sorry to hear you are sick. May you feel at best soon.
Hooraah!!! That is great Bonnie. I have been wondering when you would be expecting again. You always said 4 before you were 30 so you did it. Congrats. I wish I could say the same thing about the pregnancy. My favorite part about being pregnant was about 7 months along. I felt my best then. Anyways goodluck. I hope this one goes well. Love ya!
Congratulations! You're a great mom so you deserve more kids. When is your due date?
Wow, to be the 36th commenter makes me feel a little detatched. Congratulations! I'm so excited and I must agree with all the reasons you love being pregnant, I'm already looking forward to doing that again, not too soon though. But I do enjoy being prego. I'm sorry you've been sick. Hope things go well. Lovs,....
We are sorry you couldn't make it but I understand COMPLETELY!!!! When is your Due date?
Just me again~
Will you send me another copyright paper for the pictures you took of us? I am frazzled and cannot find mine and I still need to print a large fam photo for my living room.
Thanks a bunch miss Bonny dear.
Oh, I am like the last person to say congrats!! That is so exciting I am so happy for your family!!
Congrats!!! I too LOVED being Pregnant....I wish you a short sickness and quickly moving onto the fun part....Keep us updated!!!
Holy comments! I was scrolling down for so long to get to the 'Post Comments' link, I wondered if I would ever arrive. Ha! You are quite insane for loving pregnancy :)...that's why I've always liked you though. But if that picture was as close to your due date as you say...wow...you don't even get big...and on your third!?! My last month this last time felt like 10 years. I was as big as a house. At least I felt like a house. That's why you don't see pictures of me at 9 months pregnant. I think pregnancy is fun until I can barely roll out of bed or walk out to the mailbox. Hahaha! I'm so happy for you!!! I hope you aren't so sick this time around.
Congrats Bonnie! That is so exciting . . . I love how you described being pregnant. I think it's a perfect explanation of what it is like. I hope you aren't feeling too sick!
Congrates we are very excied to hear that you are going to have another bundle of joy
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