There are so many things I could go on and on about my husband, that make him so great. Many things I am sure many of your husbands share! He is a GREAT dad, he is a people person, everybody loves him, he can remember people he barely knows or barely met, he is outgoing, he is easy to please, he is loving and tender, he is affectionate, he is always willing to try new things, he puts the Lord and his family first, I mean the list could go on and on. But it is the things in his life, that I won't share, that have shaped and molded him, that make him incredible!
When Beau and I were dating, as many of you know, he was very persistent. I was dating somebody else at the time, but Beau informed me "Until you are married, you are free game." I am so glad his persistence payed off, because I couldn't imagine my life without this man! Without my children having their amazing father!
Knowing some of the things he went through at a young age, and knowing of his faith to pull through at a young age, is something that touches me deeply! It has affected what kind of father he is, and what kind of husband he is! He is an amazing dad! The kind of dad that rushes to hug his children the second he walks in the door. He is the kind of father who isn't afraid to teach his children about what the world might consider trivial. He is the kind of dad who listens, observes, and teaches. He is the kind of dad that suggests fun things to do together as a family. He is the kind of dad that choses his family over his friends or activities that might not involve his children! He is the kind of father that makes me feel overwhelmed with gratitude every time I see the love he has for his children! He is the kind of dad that isn't afraid to change a diaper, wash hair, give baths, or anything else some men consider "women's work".
I couldn't have chosen a better man! He is the perfect Father! A wonderfult husband and I am forever grateful for his faith and for his love!! Happy Fathers Day Buckets!! I Love you!!
Here are what your children love about you: (In their exact words)
Savanah " When he wrestles with me. When he gets me drinks after wrestling. I love when daddy takes me fishing and when he loves me. He is the best dad and I love him"

Caleb " I dunno why I love daddy I just do. I love when he does races with me. I like when he feeds me breakfast. He teached me to ride my dirtbike good. My favoritest stuff is when he reads to me and hugs me and kisses me. Like things like that ya know?"

Kennedy " Guess what? I luff daddy. Yeah I love him lots. He best friend to me. I luff him lots"

And also to my own Father, Happy Father's Day! You are the best dad a girl could ask for. Your faith in the Lord and persistence in doing and teaching us what is right is so admirable! I appreciate the mornings of gospel study, family prayers, morning breakfast, family hiking/ backpacking, FHE's, family yard work, vacations, and all the things you did to help shape and make our family strong! It is something I incorporate in my own life and in the lives of mine and Beau's children! You are a great man! I am touched every time I think of how selfless and giving you are! I don't know anyone who is as generous as you! Thank you for your example, for your constant faith! I love you so much!!

I also want to wish my Father-in-law, bro-in-laws, grandpa'a and all the other wonderful men who set such good examples to us a Happy Father's Day also! We love all of you and miss you all so much!! Happy Fathers Day!
bonnie, you are so good. i love the pictures, and i love all of the things that you share about how blessed you are! you are such a great example to many of us! (: LOVE YOU
"blessings are for not if you dont see them for what they are".
Allen saw the picture of Beau and Savanah and said, "Beau--is that a glamour shot?"
But seriously, this is a very sweet post! Happy Father's Day!
Good post. Your hubby sounds like a great guy. I hope to get to meet him someday. Thanks for sharing.
How sweet and priceless. I might copy this idea for muy hubby!
You're so thoughtful and I'm so happy that I found you because your blog is really inspirational Bonny.
Have a good weekend!
This is such a neat post. I don't know Beau well, but he has always seemed like the nicest guy. Happy Father's Day!
I love this post Bonnie! I was in need of some new material! Beau is such a good daddy and husband! We also happen to have the best daddy in the world!! Happy Fathers day Beau I hope Bon bought you another new BIKE!!!
Bonnie thanks for all your optimism. I love reading your blog you always give me that extra boost I need to keep striving for doing what's right and teaching my kids the many things I need to teach them. You're such a great example. Love the pics and all the great things you had to say about Beau and your own Dad.
It's so good to hear when people are happy with their families and lives! Sounds like you ended up with a good mad like I did. Isn't it the greatest blessing?!
I really like how you wrote what the kids said; what a priceless treasure for Beau to have always- since it was written down and not just said. So sweet- I especially like the "luff".
Your post really made me think about my own husband and father and how great and supportive they are in so many ways. Thanks.
very nice father's day tribute! beau is a great guy! you can tell how much you and your kids love him!!
I love the things the kids said. That was very sweet for Beau. He is such a good dad and it is so fun to watch him with your kids. You caught yourself a keeper!
So I finally got all caught up! I really need to stay on top of things! The picture of you reading to them in the tent is so sweet Bon! I bet they loved it! I also can't believe how big Savanah is getting. I know I always say it, but she looks bigger each time I see her! I love what each of the kids said about there daddy!
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