Savanah has finally lost her first tooth! I was wondering if it was going to happen before she turned seven. And it finally happened! She was so excited to finally loose a tooth an experience having the tooth fairy visit. The kids have been sleeping in the tent so she kept asking if the tooth fairy would know where to find it. And of course she did!!

So far summer has been so fun! The kids have enjoyed the warm weather and love sleeping outside! We have had the tent pitched outside for a week and they still haven't gotten sick of it! They still follow their night time routine of reading a book they each choose, but insist on doing it in the tent instead of inside. I am just enjoying the one less bed to have to make! Bonus!!

How fun! I'm still waiting for summer to come so we can do fun things like that. They are making memories they will probably always talk about!
I was blog hopping and came to your after Becca's blog, I was looking at Your BIG girl and wow she looks a lot like you. She is beautiful little lady. I am not looking forward to Hanna (Nan) losting her teeth, because that means my baby is growing up. boo-woo :(.
Love You
Wow! I cannot believe she is seven. I remember when she was my cute little sunbeam. I wish it was warm here. What a cute mom you are. Such fun ideas. Miss you guys
That picture of you reading to your kids is priceless. Seriously, it looks like something in a Parenting Magazine. You are a great mom. We haven't got summer here yet, but I am trying to be positive. At least I haven't had to water my lawn yet!
Loosing that first tooth always seems to be such a big deal! I am glad it finally happened for her. My kids love sleeping in the tent in our backyard to. I LOVE the quiet house in the mornings!
What a cute picture of you and the kids.
Yeah!!! Savanah, Kennedy is so excited for you!
The picture of you reading to your kids is so cute! You are such a great mom. Thanks for sharing all the fun ideas.
My kids have been bugging me to go camping forever. I might have to copy your idea. I love that picture, how did you take it? The lighting is beautiful.
cute bonnie. we will see you in a couple weeks
love ali
So fun! You have many cute ideas- BTW, if you still want to come to the reunion it's not too late! We will take the $ up until three days before the event. Just incase you change your mind. :) Talk to you later!!!
I love how often Kennedy has no clothes on!!! She is sooo cute. I wonder what ever happened to that little white slip she loved to wear when we came to visit!? Savanah is so cute and getting older looking everyday. I love it when the kids start losing teeth. It makes them feel so old. You are such a good mom reading to them outside in the tent. LOVE YA!
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