Do you ever just sit back and become completely overwhelmed with the fact that you're a mother? That this child or children are relying on us to teach them good principles? To teach them to be good people and love life? I don't know if motherhood has consumed my thoughts, because my daughter is turning eight soon and will be baptized, or having a new baby in the home, or the combination of both. But my thoughts are continually on motherhood. Am I being a good mom? Am I setting a good example? Am I preparing my children for the good and bad things of life? Do I tell me kids enough how important they are to me?
Motherhood, to me, is like this big, giant, scary, wonderful, roller coaster ride. There are highs and lows, scary parts, exciting parts, fun parts, parts that make us want to get off and parts that make us want to hold tight and stay on. You don't know what is going to happen next. And before we know it the ride will be over!
I am scared and excited to watch my children learn and grow. To make mistakes and make me proud. To see them with their own children, wives, and husbands. And although it scares mostly makes me completely and utterly overwhelmed!
Overwhelmed that the Lord has blessed and entrusted me with four beautiful wonderful children. Overwhelmed at the capacity of love I can have for each of them. Over whelmed with the hope that I can "measure up to" at least a smidgen of my own mother and mother's I admire! I feel overwhelmed with the fact that although I am FAR from perfect, these little creatures that I love so much love me back, despite my shortcomings as a mother.
With all the scary things we experience as mothers, the good far out weighs the bad! It is the small moments when I hear one of my children utter a sweet innocent prayer, or the moments they whisper they love me, or look at me and smile that completely make every minute of motherhood worth it. The never ending laundry fades away to the back of my mind, the bills, the housework, the yard work, all of it disappears and nothing else matters besides my family and the love that is all consuming, that I have for them!
I can't think of a better word to be called then "Mom".
Yes, motherhood is sacred, special, wonderful, and great!!
I may have those days when I want to throw in the towel, but all I have to do is look at my children and quickly remember those little things that make it all worth it and I am completely overwhelmed with my blessings once again!!
Getting paid in smiles, hugs, and kisses is the best pay check I have ever received!
I love this thing called MOTHERHOOD!!

I am scared and excited to watch my children learn and grow. To make mistakes and make me proud. To see them with their own children, wives, and husbands. And although it scares mostly makes me completely and utterly overwhelmed!
Overwhelmed that the Lord has blessed and entrusted me with four beautiful wonderful children. Overwhelmed at the capacity of love I can have for each of them. Over whelmed with the hope that I can "measure up to" at least a smidgen of my own mother and mother's I admire! I feel overwhelmed with the fact that although I am FAR from perfect, these little creatures that I love so much love me back, despite my shortcomings as a mother.
With all the scary things we experience as mothers, the good far out weighs the bad! It is the small moments when I hear one of my children utter a sweet innocent prayer, or the moments they whisper they love me, or look at me and smile that completely make every minute of motherhood worth it. The never ending laundry fades away to the back of my mind, the bills, the housework, the yard work, all of it disappears and nothing else matters besides my family and the love that is all consuming, that I have for them!
I can't think of a better word to be called then "Mom".
Yes, motherhood is sacred, special, wonderful, and great!!
I may have those days when I want to throw in the towel, but all I have to do is look at my children and quickly remember those little things that make it all worth it and I am completely overwhelmed with my blessings once again!!
Getting paid in smiles, hugs, and kisses is the best pay check I have ever received!
I love this thing called MOTHERHOOD!!