Beau worked so hard and quickly on this bassinet! He did 4 coats of ebony stain (of course, you had to have known it would be black!:) It had to match my bedroom..ha!) . Then he lacquered it really well.
He also added hooks on the side for a diaper bag or baby stuff, and he built new legs. The old ones were warped and to frilly for my liking.
He also added hooks on the side for a diaper bag or baby stuff, and he built new legs. The old ones were warped and to frilly for my liking.
New Added Hooks
The best part of all of it is the price! I got the bassinet for $5.00 at my favorite place, that's right, the DI. And after stain, new legs, and hooks the total cost..... a whopping $13.00!!
I keep looking at it. I keep envisioning holding my sweet little boy in my arms, smelling his hair, and looking at his face! Watching him sleep peacefully. Oh I am so excited I can hardly stand it!
My Mom is flying into Vegas soon for a visit. Beau felt bad for me 'cause I have been homesick and feeling like I will never get anything ready in the three months I have left or less. So he told me to buy her a ticket. I am so excited because she is going to help me with the bumpers and bedding for the bassinet and lots of other things I need to get done before our sweet little one arrives. Plus, my kiddos are in serious need of some GRANDMA time! And when she is the world's greatest grandma, I can't blame them!!
Wow, Bonnie! That turned out gorgeous!! It looks quite similar to the one Hondo made for Kelsey. I've used it with all my kids. Isn't it so nice having a handy man? I visualize all these ideas & then get Hondo to work. No wonder I think it's no big deal, I don't do the hard part- haha! How exciting to have a new baby. I absolutely LOVE new little ones. It passes WAY too quickly.
I love it Bonnie! It turned out even better than I had invisioned!
I LOVE IT! I am on the outlook for something small! Last time we had a packnplay in our room, but the contents in our room has doubled at an attempt of child proofing the rest of the house... I want something little and cozy like that! It is beautiful! Can Beau come play at our house? :)
Way to go Beau! You are a crafty man. It is so beautiful. I am so glad that you get your mom for a few days. She told me when we went up there last weekend. Something about kids and grandmas, its incredible. Love ya and take care!
It turned out great Bonnie. Beau did a great job. I can't believe that we will have boys just a couple of months a part. It is crazy. It would also be so fun if they were bestest friends. I wish you guys would move home. We miss you soooooo much.
Gorgeous Bonnie!! I'm very impressed with Beau's craftiness. I think cradles are way too cool. Way to go!
It turned out adorable! I'm so baby hungry, and now I'm bassinet hungry. You are so creative and talented. I could never look at something and envision what it could be and then make it beautiful. You should move to I.F., open a store and a photo studio-I swear I'd be your best customer!
Your bassinet turned out so cute! Your little one is going to look so adorable in there!!!! love you
The bassinet is beautiful!! That will be a lot of fun having your mom there!
it turned out so nice Bon!! My Mom had that EXACT Bassinet when we were kids, hers had a funny canopy that could attach too. It's soo cute to see yours done. I could never have one that low to the ground though..metal spine and Gotta be able to reach a baby. Oh wait..I dont have my baby fever is killing me. I can't wait to see lots of Momma Coon pics!
im so jealous! it turned out so so adorable. i mean i liked it before, but now it's to die for!
Love the bassinet! Good job Beau! Hans and I decided to call him Beauregard- it fits, doesn't it? Not really but hey. Of course it goes with you room- I like the candle sticks. I have some just like it! How fun to spend time with your mom!
That looks great. I love fixing up old stuff too. You're just going to love your new baby boy. I sure love mine. They are so sweet.
Bonnie, that is beautiful! It almost doesn't even look at all like the one you picked up! That is awesome that your mom is coming. Tell her hi from her neighbor! Well, former neighbor. :)
What a stunning bassinet! Beau did a fantastic job!! Can’t wait to see all the stuff you make and of course your new little one!! Not to much longer until you get to hold him I am so happy for you guys.
I think your mom is great!! The kids will hate to see her leave
I cant believe you got that for $5! I love the way it looks with the new legs and stain. Have you guys picked out a name yet?
Holy Moly!! I love it!! Good Job Beau! Now, I can't wait to see pics of your sleeping sweetheart. :)
Bonnie! I love it, it turned out so well! Beau did well! You are quite the bargain shopper!
That bassinet turned out amazingly beautiful. Just think because of your thriftyness(SP?)and talented husband if you were to sell it the profit you would make. I would love to have a bassinet like that when we get blessed enough to have a little one. Your mom is great enjoy every moment with her.
I love it!!! It turned out so great!!!
Oh my word! It's beautiful! I can't believe you can find deals like that at the D.I. I'm jealous. Good luck with your projects, and enjoy your mom!
That is one awesome bassinet! The sweet little baby boy is going to have a fine place to sleep.
It turned out BEAUTIFUL! I am so excited for you.
I LOVE IT!!! It turned out so good and what a great hubby you have. Send him my way, he can do my armoire! I am glad you get to see your mom, what would we do without moms, I know I would be completely lost. I am excited for your little bundle of joy, it won't be to long now!
Bonnie, this is Sharlyn Stratton from the 4th ward well hey your blog is adorable. Congrats how exciting to have another boy soon. You did a great job on the bassinet it's so cute. You were always so good at crafts. It's good to see your cute family.
Oh Beau-ina. Such a little crafting wench you are! :D tee hee! it looks so good bonnie. and I agree with you, there is nothing better than a sweet baby boy to hold in your arms (Mind is sitting in my lap as I'm writing this.) We miss you! we really want to come down, we are just trying to save up money to do so.
It is absolutly beautiful your new baby will make it look more perfect!!
That looks awesome! good job! Want to come over and do some of my projects? JK Sure love ya
I love it! And I didn't realize you knew that you were having a boy. Had I just forgotten? Yay! We'll have to have playdates!
I LOVE the bassinet! It's gorgeous! Did you see the website I sent to you? It's so you!
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