As you all know from a previous post that one of the words that pretty much sums up a lot of my goals is
We have decided as a family that we would focus our FHE's around this motto. Whether it be better prepared physically, better prepared emotionally, better prepared mentally or better prepared spiritually .
So our first FHE was being prepared physically.
My fabulous and close friend Ana has always been a great example to me about being prepared. She has her 72 hour kits together and always has had an abundant food storage. I appreciate her example and motivating me to try a little harder. Thanks ONNA!!(heehee)
So we researched a little on good things to store. We took the kids shopping with us so they could be involved in the process, and then came home and put our 72 hour food/water kits together. It was a lot of fun. I think they learned a lot too. Next week, we will finish with our clothes and essentials in our backpack and talk more about why it is good to be prepared!

Here are some great websites to help you get started (if you are interested) and help explain the importance of being prepared. If you want to learn more or start a kit just click on them. I think it is important to modify some of these to meet your families needs!
And if any of you have any good ideas to share about how to be better prepared, or something you have done...let's us know in our comments.
Goody goody gumdrops--I love being the first to comment :).
Your 72-hour kits look perfect--now you need to look for cheap backpacks at the DI to put your food and clothes in. I mean, just because it's a disaster doesn't mean Kennedy can't have her essentials in a Hannah Montana backpack and look glamorous while eating her canned pineapple chunks :).
I need to work on my 72 hour kits, that is a great goal! Thanks for the reminder...I need a lot of them in that area!
This post really gets me motivatred to do better. Thank you Bon bon. You are such a good mom. I can't wait to put ours together!
We made an emergency kit for our car! Seems as its been -16 for the past few weeks, and it always snowy and cold! We put some food, a little stove to heat/melt water, then a BIG blanket sweat shirts and extra stuff for Kevin! We also had a little knife flashlight! $10.00 cash, Ya know the goods! I also have a package of kitty litter, Incase we get stuck you can use it as traction! (sounds crazy but it HAPPENS a LOT here!) It seems like a TON but it is just one bag in my trunk and a blanket (which I always have anyway for trips to the lake and such!) It was fun seeing you guys! Hopefully next time we can stay a little longer!
GOOD ONE Bon. Thanks for sharing. We need to start and FHE blog for us sisters, and who ever else. I love you
Love Ali
Thanks, Bon! I fully agree that being prepared is such a priority! You're such a great mom and motivator!
Thanks for the website links. I love it when someone has planned it all out for me, and I all I have to do is follow it.
I really need to get out our old kits and update them. I'm not sure I'd even wear the clothes that are in them, even in an emergency!
What a good Idea...I think that you'll be a lot healthier than us. We have about 1year supply of MRE's. We will have to live close to share the wealth.
Thanks for your sweet comment. AHH! I've been so busy!
You don't cease to amaze me, Bonnie. Very creative! What a fabulous idea. You are such an inspiration! My tip would be to hit DI up for your backpacks. Ours cost us $2-3/bag. Can't beat that. Just check the zippers first:)
I think that's such a great idea...I'm just barely getting started with cooking at home, so food storage is my next step. Tom's mom makes these cute car kits with food, blanket, flashlight, etc. and they have acyually come in handy before.
By the way...I love the aqua poppy designs, I had to change my blog because I liked them so much. :)
Way to go being prepared!! We have bought a bunch of food storage this last year, but it doesn't seem to look like a lot when we put it on shelves. 72 hour kits are what we NEED to do next. Good job getting the fam involved also!
Thanks for the info and website. I have thought about this exact thing and Quinn and I were just talking about getting a kit ready for our car. So you've motivated me miss Bonnie dear~
what a great idea! I may have to steal it for an upcoming week. keep those great ideas coming!!
Way to be prepared! good job on the kits!
We used to replace our 72 hour kits everytime general conference came, but we have been slacking on it this past year. I don't know how you find the time for everything, but it all looks great!
Love it love it! Thanks for posting your family FHE - and for letting us know that you are already doing great with your goals! Awesome example.
We also would swap out our 72 hour kits at conference time, and this last time we totally didn't. We need to.
Thanks for your posts - I love reading them!
those 72-hour kits are great! I need to get myself motivated to get some done! you have such great ideas and like your sisters you are way creative!!! hope your feeling good! can't wait to see you and all your little ones love ya!!!!
You are so good. I feel like I am so terribly behind in food storage, and feel like there is NO WHERE to store it! I need to just set aside money and space and get it done. Thanks for bein such a good example.
Thanks for the website. I have been wanting to make these!
Bonnie that is a good idea another place to find dried fruits and vegtables for your year supply is
Hey- will you let me know of some sites I can go to for traffic feed for my blog. I know you know what are some good ones. I have one already, but I also want some other options. If you can remember some, please share!!! Thanks!
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