The sweetest things in life, aren't things......

Saturday, December 27, 2008

5 Month Belly Bump

Everyone keeps asking to see my belly...drum roll here it is! I can't believe that I am a little over 5 months already! More than half way. I think the more kids you have the faster each pregnancy goes.

This time around has been rough. I was on Zofran for awhile. It seemed impossible to keep any food down for the first 4 months. I still have days. I will finally feel great and then out of no where I can't keep anything down again. Also, for those of you who know me, I am a CLEAN FREAK but my poor house would tell otherwise. It seems impossible to keep up with it!

Here are some fun facts so far, with this pregnancy~

Things I have craved
Cold Cereal
Lots of Water
Wingers Chicken Deluxe Sandwiches

Things this child does not like
Anything flavorful
Diet Coke (Sad for me)
Mexican (Double sad for me)

Favorite things of this pregnancy this far
*Hearing the kids talk about him and ask to buy things for him
*Feeling him move
* Eating whatever I want and not feeling guilty
*Thinking about cuddling and holding him!

If we had a girl she would have been named(for sure)

Presley Paige

I do enjoy being pregnant. Even though this has been, by far, the roughest sickness wise, I still have loved feeling closer to the spirit. Feeling a child growing and moving inside of me. And knowing that our family will feel just that much more complete when he comes!

We are so excited! I am sure as I get bigger and bigger I will post more pictures!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve and Day

I still can't believe that Christmas has come and gone. Time is flying by too fast these days! We had such a great relaxing couple days. Beau did have to work on Christmas Eve and be "On-Call" Christmas day, but luckily he didn't called out on Christmas! The kids and I just had a great time relaxing, talking about why we celebrate Christmas, and watching old movies. We had a fancy dinner later at night when Beau got home. It was so nice to just relax and enjoy each other.

Then we watched "Joy to the World" with the kiddos. Talked some more about the "True" meaning of Christmas, and read our favorite Christmas books. (The Tale of the Three my favorite. If you don't own it I highly recommend it! It is so touching)

The kids also got to open their Christmas Eve package from Grandma before going to bed. When the kids were in bed I made crepes so we could have them with fresh pie filling in the morning! Yummy!!!

Santa definitely found his way to our house. Kennedy woke everyone up at 7:00 am shouting "It's Christmas" The other two were instantly up and running down the stairs. I think they really enjoyed opening presents by the fire! It was such a perfect morning!

Here is Kenny shoveling gum balls in her face!!

(Caleb with his pile of loot)
(Savanah with her Christmas Haul)
Here are the kids Christmas morning! Showing you their piles of Christmas goodies!!

We hope you all had a PERFECT CHRISTMAS!! With lots of relaxation, family, and food! And also had a good time together as family reflecting on the meaning of this blessed Holiday!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Anniversary, Ladies Night, and Family

Beau and I celebrated our 8TH ANNIVERSARY Sunday. We celebrated all day Saturday. It really was the best day ever!

We headed down to St. George bright and early and went straight to the temple. There is something so special about the St. George Temple. It is so beautiful and rich with history. It was the perfect morning. I remembered our sealing day all to well and how beautiful and perfect it was! It was fun to reflect and go where we were eight years ago on that day!

Then we headed, of course, to our Anniversary lunch spot. Always, Red Lobster! YUMMM-O!! Seriously that mouth watering shrimp, lobster, and pasta are still making me hungry!! It was so delicious and so nice to just be together with no interruptions or children!!

We did a lot of shopping while we were there too! We just took our time and enjoyed each other. It isn't that often we get to spend the day together with no kiddos! When we drove home, neither one of us were ready for our time alone together to end. So we did some more browsing in Cedar!!

It really was the most PERFECT DAY!!! I truly am the luckiest person ever to be married to the man of my dreams. I know everyone thinks they are the luckiest...but I AM!! He makes me so happy. He is my best friend and my everything!!! Love ya Buckets!!!

Last Thursday, we also had another Fabulous LADIES NIGHT! It was themed "The Worst Christmas Sweater Ever Party"

Here is a picture of one of the Fabulous Ugly Sweaters! I kept daring those who wore the sweaters to wear them to church! HA! But nobody did!

What would I do without all these girls! I love my friendships with these ladies so much! I am grateful we find the time to get together as often as we do!! We missed lots of you though!! (Maybe next party)

What a BLAST!!!!!

Also , sorry no Christmas cards this year. I am lucky to keep my house in order these days. It is hard enough to keep up with clients so I didn't have the chance to do pictures of our family! But maybe soon!! But here are some candid shots of us and the kiddos from Sunday!!

We hope you all have VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! We love you all and enjoy the friendships we share, and each other as family!!


Monday, December 22, 2008

Every Mothers WORST nightmare!

My Friday started out like any other day! I went about my household chores and cleaning routine. And had a fabulous morning. When I arrived at the school at 11:40 to pick Caleb up, everything changed!

I got there early like always and was patiently waiting outside in the pick up line. I soon realized it was 11:50 and Caleb still hadn't come out. I glanced in the rear view mirror to see if I could see any other parents waiting too, but it was just me. So I worried a little, but not to bad. I walked in the school and went to his classroom. I asked the teacher where he was and she quickly assured me he was fine. The school had forgotten to call me and tell me that he was a "Stellar Student". Which means he got to stay for lunch and have McDonald's with Principal Bonner. So my heart was quickly put back at ease, from my brief moment of panic . I asked the teacher when I could get him and she told me 12:30. Since it was already 12:00, by this time, I decided to just wait in the parking lot and read a book.

About 12:20 I drove out of the parking lot and back out front to wait for him. I waited and waited and at about 12:45 I decided to go back in. Immediately when I walked in the school I saw the Principal in the hall and no Caleb. I panicked. I ran up to him and asked where Caleb was. He seemed confused and told me he was in his second class. I assured him that wasn't possible since he only has one class and is a Kindergartner. He then said "Oh he is probably out to recess" We both walked quickly outside and saw NO CALEB. My heart was seriously on the verge of bursting. But I kept assuring my self to not loose my cool and that he was somewhere is the building.

We walked down to the other Kindergarten class to double check and still NO CALEB! I could tell by this time the principal was panicked too. We rushed down to the office where he announced over the intercom to the teachers and students, that a "kindergartner by the name of Caleb Bunnell was missing" and that if "anyone has seen him, please come to the office." I still hadn't let the fountain of tears mounding in my eyes flow yet. I was really trying hard to reassure myself that he was ok.

An aid ran down to the office and said "Caleb left the building at 12:10. I saw him leaving and he said you were out front." That is the moment my heart literally sank. It was now 1:00 and he had left the building at 12:10...50 minutes ago!!!! I ran outside to look up and down the street. The Principal and a lady from my ward were right behind me, just as concerned. I told them I was going to hop in my car and ride up and down the streets. I jumped in my van and seriously had a major melt down. I couldn't stop from uncontrollably sobbing. "This was it"....I had lost him...he was kidnapped...all those thoughts were going fifty thousand miles per minute through my brain. I turned on our street and called Beau. He answered, to my hysterical sobs, and quickly told me "Caleb just called him from home." I rushed home. I ran inside and grabbed him and literally sobbed. He started crying too. He was so worried!! The Principal had driven to my house also and called and I told him that he was home. I am not sure how well he heard me from the raking sobs that came in between every word.

I asked Caleb what happened. He said that the Principal said time to go. He was left alone in the hallway and wasn't sure what to do since this wasn't his normal routine. He walked outside and panicked when he didn't see me. He said he was worried since he knew I didn't know that he was staying for lunch that I had left him. He said he waited and decided to walk home (four to five blocks I might add....across a BUSY main street, alone!!!!!) He walked home and the doors were locked so he climbed the fence in came in the back. He said when he went inside he was scared something happened to me so he called Beau.

The worst parts of all of this is......I was in the parking lot. I just didn't see him cause I was reading, and parked the opposite direction of the doors. ......HE was let outside (which isn't the rule, I believe for the Kindergartners) by himself!!! He crossed the BUSY intersection....and was scared to death!!! Man ...I was FUMING! And if any of you know my husband and his protectiveness he blows me out of the water. He was ready to go to the school and hurt somebody. But I told him to calm down and wait until he was under control. Which he did. He called the Superintendent and then went and talked to the Principal personally.

All in all it was all smoothed over. The Principal, we do love him, but reassured us that steps were being taken to make sure this NEVER happens again. He also apologized a million times. The teachers called and made sure I was OK. Although I did CRY the majority of the day, I was just grateful nothing bad happened to him, and that he was safe now. We were also able to talk to Caleb about NEVER leaving the school alone, regardless of being sent outside alone. So I think he understood.

We do love the Principal. He really has a heart of gold and cares about the students. I know accidents happen. But I am glad to know that they have already taken steps to change procedures to make sure no parent ever has to go through this again!

It TRULY was one of the most terrifying moments I have endured as a mother! I still tear up thinking about how serious the situation could have been!! But I am grateful for a Heavenly Father who protects me and my family continually!!! I don't know what I would ever do...if one of my precious children were lost or hurt!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Four Wheeler!!

I thought we moved from Idaho to get away from the snow!? But obviously Mother Nature has other things in store for us!! Look at all this snow!

( Caleb and one of his best buddies, David!)

I can't believe how much time shoveling consumed last year. Beau would get home late from work and start on our driveway plus several others. The four wheeler has totally lightened that load! He seriously got the whole street done in less than an hour!!

Plus, the fun!!!

We have already gone out three nights in a row. First with the Church's (All my pictures didn't turn out cause it was dark). last night with the kids. And then tonight with David and Emma Taylor!!

(Beau w/ the Taylor kiddos)
(David, Savanah, and Caleb in the sled. Emma, Kennedy, Beau and me were on the four wheeler)

(I wish you could see better his bushy man beard! HA! Seriously, there were icicles hanging from it!)
I usually hate the snow....but so far, it has been kinda fun!

(Few new posts below)

Blog awards...drum roll please!!

Thank you Devyn for saying you LOVE my blog. I was thinking about some of my favorite blogs I love to read the other day and thought of doing this tag~ But you beat me to it!!

Here are the rules: I get to {heart} seven other blogs that I love reading. If your blog makes my list, you get to post your award, thank the person who gave it to you, and then choose seven other blogs that you feel deserve this awesome award. It was definitely hard to choose just seven, but those are the rules. And the awards go to...

1. Rebecca Renfroe
2. Rivka
3. Christina Hudman
4. Lisa Cutler
5. Jessica Hoopes
6. Christine
7. Kris (Lisa's sis-in law)

It really was hard to just pick seven!! But.... I love reading all your blogs.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Quick Post

Sorry that there seems to be NO time to catch up on blogging these days! But hopefully I can find more time soon! We are all so excited for Christmas to be here. We put the tree up a week ago. Usually we do it the day after Thanksgiving, but it took us a little longer this year!

I have had the same decor for a long time. I usually shop the after Christmas sales and buy new ornaments, so every year it is slightly different. But this is the first year I have collected stuff all year. I wanted something MOSTLY different. I love the way it turned out! I think by next year I will have the few things I didn't have this year and the tree will be perfect!

(Two of my three helpers)

Of course, since I took these pictures I have added more large gold bulbs and large black bulbs! But oh well, you get the basic idea!

Also, I made myself an end table to match the sofa table I made. I just wish I had more time to make and finish all the other projects I have in mind!

We got snow this last weekend. Beau has had so much fun pulling the kids around on the four wheeler and plowing driveways! I will try to get some pictures soon! Hope you are all enjoying the Christmas season!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving was so much fun! It was such a fun relaxing day. Even though there was a lot of food to prepare, it really was so relaxing and fun to do.

Becca and I got up early. She was so nice to bring all her pie dough crust for the pies. (Sweet Divinity, take me away) Seriously, her luscious pie crust crumbles in your mouth! It is divine.

Here is Bec, preparing her crusts............(Saweeeet apron..I found this Old fashion Apron at the DI for her. I have been collecting them. I knew she would love it as much as me!: ))

(Kenny, helping make pecan pie.)

I was so anxious to decorate the table that I had it all set you the night before. As many of you already know, I am a BIG believer in NO PAPER plates on Thanksgiving. I use paper plates lots during my normal daily life, that I want Thanksgiving to be special. (Click here for last years, festivities.)

(The table. It really turned out so beautiful. The pictures don't do it justice. I had a "Thankful journal" on each place setting also.)

(The Turkey. I did a new dressing drizzle for the top this year. I think I may stick to it! It was a cranberry drizzle)

(Enjoying the delicious food...I wish I would have gotten a picture of the heart attack roll-up's Bec made! I salivate just thinking of them! HA! They are THAT good!)

(We had pie coming out our ears by the time they left! But it was nice to have a slice every day..ok, or three or four. We had two chocolate mousse pies, two apple pies, one pumpkin pie, one pecan pie, and one cherry pie.)

As part of Thanksgiving tradition, we always go around the table and say what we are thankful for. This year I got all of the kids on video! My sister said that her sister-in-law has everyone write down in a tablet what they are thankful for. They keep the tablet every year and add to it. I am going to steal this idea Heather! I think it is so smart. So I will start that next year!!

(All the videos are super short)





Thanksgiving was perfect in every way. It was so nice to spend it with family. To cook with someone, enjoy the meal with family, and here what others are grateful for. My heart was full all of Thanksgiving day. I was afraid I might burst into tears and embarrass myself. Luckily, I didn't.

I am so grateful for all that we have! We have so much to be grateful for! Nothing compares to the happiness that the gospel has provided for me in my life!! What a blessed day of Thanks! I will always remember it! Thanks for sharing it with us Becca, Allen, and kiddos! We love you guys!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Random Catch Up

A few weeks ago we had the chance to have Wes (Beau's brother) and Nikki and their kids come stay with us. From Wednesday to a Monday. It was so much fun. We don't get to hang out with them often, so it was very enjoyable. Beau and Wes went bikin' everday and took Easton and Caleb with them a few times too! And Nikki and I shopped, made crafts, played with her Cricuit, and laughed our heads off. I showed Nikki and her mom how to make these sofa/entry tables ....

(I want to see pictures, you two, of where you put them)

(Like the new vinyl Nikki cut for me?...I love how it turned out)
I will also have a post soon of videos from the boys bikin' excursion!

Then after Nikki and Wes left, a few days later, my friend Denise came with her kids and stayed with us. I miss Denise so much. She was one of the first people to befriend me here in Cedar and when she moved it was so sad for me. It was nice to catch up and see her new baby and Nate!

We have had Savanah's "Lil' Piggy Opera". It was so cute and she did a great job at her part! We are so proud of her!

(She is on the stage on the far right, by the house)

We've had fun with some friends that invited us to a fun "Host a Murder" dinner party. What a blast!!

Beau and I have had lots of fun date nights. Visiting with new friends, dinners, movies, anything to be with each other. Here is my cute babysitter Chels....what would we do without her??

And this last week my sister Rebecca and her family came for Thanksgiving. I will also have another post up soon with Thanksgiving and all the fun things we did!

Life has been so wonderful and so crazy busy. I have kept so busy with my photography, taking care of the kids, preparing for Christmas, and of course eating! HA! I am finally starting to feel so much better and making up for all the loss of the time I couldn't eat! Beau is busy working hard for our family and being the best dad in the world! We still have lots to post about and lots of posts to catch up on. I look forward to catching up and reading about all of you!!!