I swear I will have an actual "family" post up here soon. I have been busy playing with my
NEW camera and taking pictures! I do have some fun pictures from the 24th to share and a few other things. But for now.....check out these new baby pictures I took today of my friends baby
Maylee! She is so beautiful!!!
here to view more!
Oh my heck Bon! You are so awesome!!! I can't wait for you to come and take some of my little rascals! My favorite was the one on the green couch, so modern and fresh! You are seriously going to be famous! I guess you are already used to the flashing lights of the paparazzi, so you'll be fine! Let's have lunch at the Ivy when you are here, teehee! I love being famous!
Bonnnie- you are amazing at this photography! We are definetly going to have to schedule a time for our little family to have some pictures done! thanks for the sweet comments you always leave on our blog :)
of course I love it!!!! It stinks that we won't get to see each other when you come to IDAHO...sadness...however when we come down this fall we will make it sooooo much fun!
Love ya,
Okay- I could go on and on about the photos. I LOOOOOVE them! And yes, she is a very pretty baby. I just have to say I hate you!!! You are the most perfect person I know! Too much talent poured into one sweet soul. Alright, I don't hate you, I'm just extremely jealous!:) Keep up the good work.
You definitely have a talent here, Bonnie!! I'm so very impressed. How are things going? Where's Beau working at these days?
Bonnie you are too talented for your own good. It's not fair but I am glad that you at least post them so that those of us on the lower end of the talent scale can see. I finally got my blog up and running so drop me a note. And let us know when you are going to be up here so we can all go to lunch or dinner again.By the way have you seen Sharla's baby yet he is soooo handsome.
Oh my gosh, I love this picture!
This is my favorite one of this little girl! It needs to be entered in some sort of contest!
Bonnie these are awesome!! you have really found your calling. I wish I had $ and I would have you take some of me and the boys. When are you gonna be in IF? I move to arizona on the 6th!!!!
I love the pictures with the black tutu. Way to go Bon! Can't wait to see what you will do with my boys- if they will hold still long enough. I am going to buy them new picture shirts tomorrow! Any excuse to buy new clothes, right? I got my very first lime green shirt-it goes great with my now red hair, he he.
I LOVE that last photo! I want you to do that with Emery! Are you leaving Friday or Saturday? Call me!
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