Savanah has been asking me for some time now to get her ears pierced. So yesterday my mother and I took her to the mall to get them pierced. I asked her several times if she was sure and she was positive that she wanted them. Unfortunately, there was only one worker so she had to get them pierced one at a time! But she was very brave and only made a sad face after the first ear.

After they were done she kept tucking her hair behind her ears so that everyone could see! She told my mom and I this morning that she was responsible enough to twist them around herself and take care of them. It was so cute!

oh that is so cute and fun. i know i keep debating whether or not to pierce my baby's ears when she comes or to wait until she is older.. hmm.
she is turning into such a beautiful little girl! i bet she is a big helper!
so cute bon! i remember getting my ears pierced the first time! i cannot believe how fast they grow up! (: miss ya!
What a super brave girl! If that was the case with Kennedy, she would have one pierced ear.
The earings are way cute. Kennedy will be excited to hear the news!
Miss You!
Cute story. It must be fun having girls to do that sort of thing with. Maybe someday...
Oh how fun! She is such a brave girl to get them pierced one ear at a time. I love that you let her make the decision for herself. I thought about piercing Ella's when she was younger but now I will wait until she is a little older. What a cute girl, so beautiful just like you!
Very Cute story I can't wait to get Savahanna ears pierced Darius said I can do it when she is 8 months old so I'm counting down the Days!!! only i more month to go!!!
I can't believe Chandler chickened out! I thought for sure if Savanah did it that she would! Oh well I'll get them done when she is ready! She really did so well and looks so adorable in her fashionable ear rings!
Bon- She is so cute! I love your pictures and your blog. Can't wait for you to come see me :)
I bet Savannah looks so cute! I tried to get Aubrie's done for kindergarten, but she didn't want to do it...maybe someday she will! I am sorry we weren't able to meet up, it is just really crazy right now. I really miss and love you though!!
I can't bear to see that sweet face after the first piercing- a little brave hurt face. I can see how you used picnik to make the pictures fun. They're really cute pics. I'll remember to take my camera when we do Kelsey's!
She is so brave! It is so fun to have girls with pierced ears. Just wait until she wants to be changing them around and getting new earrings all the time. What fun!
What a fun thing to do with your mom AND your grandma. I remember when I got mine done. Don't we all?! She looks very cute!
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