We had such a great FHE last night. First, we all cooked together. Beau got all the kids together and they ground some wheat. Caleb especially loves this and is there to help with every part of it. Then Caleb and Beau went outside to grill some boneless ribs (yummy!), while the girls and I made dough for fresh scones and two loaves of bread. Savanah pays attention to the details and is getting to where she knows what we need next. She cut out all the scones and then rolled the remaining dough out to cut more. Kennedy mostly just played with her scone dough and rolled the same one out a billion times.

Then we cooked the scones and baked the bread. It was nice to sit down and enjoy something we all pitched in to do.
Then we took the kids on a long bike ride up to the college pond. I think Max enjoyed himself more than the kids. He was in the pond the entire time. The kids would throw pine cones at him and he would jump up and catch them. It was so relaxing to be outside and let the kids get some energy out.

When we came home we had a lesson on "Being Clean-Inside and Out." I love hearing the kids thoughts on things. And why they think we should be clean. Caleb kept saying "We get germs when we are dirty." And Savanah brought up that "We can feel the Holy Spirit, when we are clean." Kennedy kept saying "I clean my room."
I love family Home Evening so much! It has always been a part of my life. Something my parents did faithfully through my years at home. It really is an important time for families to grow together and learn together. It is easy to forget sometimes, but I can feel an increase of love in our home when we do it! This is one of my favorite quotes on FHE. It was said in 1915. I think if it was that important then, then in the world we live in today how much more important it must be!
1915: "We advise and urge the inauguration of a Home Evening throughout the Church, at which time fathers and mothers may gather their boys and girls about them in the home, and teach them the words of God ... If the Saints obey this counsel, we promise that great blessings will result. Love at home and obedience to parents will increase, faith will be developed in the hearts of the youth of Israel, and they will gain power to combat the evil influences and temptations which beset them." The First Presidency (Joseph F. Smith)
I hope you all are trying hard to find the time to be with your families! I would love to hear any fun ideas or things you remember about FHE's that were great successes!
Thank you for being who you are Bonnie. You are continually inspiring me and motivating me to be a better friend, mother, wife and daughter of God. Your FHE sounds fantastic and you are teaching your kids so many great things. We are working on memorizing with the kids the Articles of Faith and it was soooo great during conference when they heard parts of them through out different talks and they recognized and understood what they were saying.
Good idea, Bonnie. That looks like so much fun. We actually missed out on FHE last night for working on Bailey's science project, but hopefully we'll catch up tonight!
ps fresh bread? is there anything you can't do?
Thanks- that was inspiring. You guys look like the happiest most perfect little family. I would love any ideas you get for successful FHEs.
Good for you, so far our family home evenings consist of maybe singing a song out of the primary book and then reading a story. Sometimes we go for a walk. I need to be better. Thanks for sharing, that was very refreshing.
What a cute FHE idea!! I really miss you, you have always been one of my closest friends!! I love you!
That was awesome Bonnie! We are going to start doing FHE... I don't know why I thought Jace needed to be older. I too need some ideas for little ones. Thanks for the inspiration! G
love it bon! FHE is really so much fun! i remember doing it when i was little, and it know that it is something i will want to do with my own family! you are a great example to me, and to your family! miss you lots!
That was a great Family Home Evening Idea. The kids always remember more when they are actively involved. You are doing a great job as a wife and mother!
I couldn't agree more with lisa's comment. You are such a great mother Bonnie! I can't believe how much you got accomplished in one night. I AM EXHAUSTED JUST FROM READING ABOUT IT! We finally had one nice day, but right this second it is snowing huge flakes! Well beter get back to my non-carb diet!Ha Ha.....
Bonnie, thanks for alway letting me know when you have a new post. You have a fun blog and your posts are always inspiring. My kids are older and Erica just moved back in so my favorite FHE's are when we share our testimonies like we did Sunday night,(thats when we do FHE). I love hearing my kids talk about thier love for our Heavenly Father and our church. It always makes me greatful to see that we are all going in the right direction and that I must be doing something right.
I'm sorry I haven't posted much lately. That should answer your question about being adjusted! LOL It's getting better and it hasn't been terrible...just an adjustment! I am sooooo outnumbered now since Kobie is gone alot. Keep on bloggin', you guys do some really fun things and you have some really cute blogs.
How fun! Sounds like you guys had so much fun. Your kids are so cute! Thanks for being such a great example!
What a great idea! YOu packed so much fun stuff together and hten tied it all in with a spiritual lesson- YOu are great- when are you going to start rubbing off on me??
no offense but the boneless ribs make me want to gag (actually any meat lately has made me want to gag! oh the joys of being pregnant!) I love love love all your fun family home evenings. I need to do better at it w/ cam, it just seems harder without kids to share in the fun! Love you!
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