Beau and I took the kids to Idaho late Wednesday night after work. We didn't get there until 1:00 AM Thursday. It was such a short, fast trip that we didn't get to see everybody we would have liked to! But it was nice to be with my family. We hadn't been home for eight months. And my sister
Rebecca hadn't been home for a year. So it was nice to finally all get to be together and see each other!

Thursday was Caleb's birthday and we celebrated with the cousins at my mom's house. I seriously
can't believe that he is five now. It is so sad how quick they grow up! He got lots of presents from his Grandpa, Grandma, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. It was nice to be able to celebrate his birthday with family!

Friday, was the day everyone else was arriving so as you can imagine the kids were hyper all day. My dad took us all to eat at the Great Wall. Then we just went back to his house and enjoyed each other.
Saturday we listened to Conference. What a exciting day. I love conference so much. I have always had a special place in my heart for Pres. Monson. He was the Apostle that I have collected all of his books and always felt like I really connected to. Being able to sustain him as our Prophet, was so special. I loved all the talks and felt so uplifted and edified. I love conference so much and each time feel a bit more motivated and renewed!
Later on that night my mom, sisters, and I went to Garcia's to eat. We had the best time laughing and giggling at each other!

I wish we could have been there longer. We had to drive home Monday and our trip just seemed
soooo fast. But it was still worth it!! I miss my family so much. I value these special times that we have to be together! It is hard not to be there in person and see my sweet little nieces and nephews growing up. And it is really hard on my kids not to get to see their grandparents more often!
I am so grateful for the strong bond we share as sisters and as a family. It makes me sad to know that many families don't have that! I am grateful for such loving parents, who sincerely want us all to be together. My parents are so giving and generous and I appreciate all they continually for us! I miss you guys so much already and cried a good portion of the ride home!
Here are some more pictures from our trip- (there is a lot!!)