Savanah and Caleb's last day of school was last Friday. Caleb, unfortunately, was sick and missed it! And Savanah, luckily, wasn't.
When I picked her up from school she tried really hard not to cry, but couldn't help it. She was so sad school has ended. She LOVES it. She has even told Beau and I, "When I am president, I am going to make school longer, and everyday!" (We have no clue where she came from.)
Saturday, we went up into the hills with our friends, the Church's and Lovell's, for a day camp. We roasted hot dogs, marshmallows, hiked, played, talked, made tin foil dinners, ate dutch oven cobbler, and just enjoyed the beauty that surrounded us!
Saturday, we went up into the hills with our friends, the Church's and Lovell's, for a day camp. We roasted hot dogs, marshmallows, hiked, played, talked, made tin foil dinners, ate dutch oven cobbler, and just enjoyed the beauty that surrounded us!

(To see some of the nature pictures, click here!)
We also planted our garden over the weekend, (Better late than never, right?) played at the park, and had a bbq with friends.
This is the first year Beau had Memorial Day off. So it was so nice to have a long weekend with him!
~On a side note~
Kennedy said to me, one day when she was mad at me, in a mean voice "Mom you are skinny!"
When I replied "Thanks."
She quickly added "Just like Santa Clause!"
I seriously laughed. How could you not. How does a three year old come up with these things?

And that folks, is what we have been up to!
~On a side note~
Kennedy said to me, one day when she was mad at me, in a mean voice "Mom you are skinny!"
When I replied "Thanks."
She quickly added "Just like Santa Clause!"
I seriously laughed. How could you not. How does a three year old come up with these things?
And here are some pictures of Sweet Baby Luke .
We can't believe he is almost 6 weeks old already!
He is such a good and content baby. He smiles all the time, hardly ever cries, eats a lot, sleeps a lot, and is such a chunk. He has lost most of his hair on the top half of his head (He takes after his grandpa's..hahaha) but still has tons in the back!
We can't believe he is almost 6 weeks old already!
He is such a good and content baby. He smiles all the time, hardly ever cries, eats a lot, sleeps a lot, and is such a chunk. He has lost most of his hair on the top half of his head (He takes after his grandpa's..hahaha) but still has tons in the back!
And that folks, is what we have been up to!
Cute, Cute Kids! I love memorial weekend, it means summer is here!
Looks like you guys had a good weekend. I'm not sure how I would have taken the Santa comment, but funny, none the less. I know it sounds crazy, but if you shave the babies hair, it will grow back super fast, and it wont fall out when he rubs it. Trust me, I'm two for two this way. Just a thought.
Sounds like you had a great weekend. I love seeing pictures of the kids. Savanah is looking so grown-up..Time just goes so fast I can"t believe it. Love you all , MOM
Wow, I can't believe your babe is already 6 weeks old! Where had the time gone!!! We are on the count down! I'm not actually due until the 22nd of June, but I went to the doctor on Tuesday and I'm a 5. He was shocked I wasn't in full on labor! So, we are just waiting, he says it should be anytime!
Looks like you had a great weekend! glad your hubby was home.
I can't believe how much Lukas has grown!! You guys are all so stinkin cute! I love the Santa Claus comment that just cracks me up:) We're going down to Kanab over the 4th of July and St. George maybe we can hook up:)
Looks like you had a good time for Memorial day. Glad you are feeling better!
I love the Oreo face. I'm glad you guys had so much fun with your friends. And that Kennedy... just makes me laugh. How do they come up with that stuff!!?
Luke is such a doll.... in a boy way. ;)
Glad you're all doing so well.
Hey--how'd you do that cool link thing at the bottom?
Oh no you ditn't say "folks."
The pictures are beautiful, and Lukas looks so cute, even without the front of his hair. I can't wait till we make friends we can go day camping with.
Love you!
What a cute baby!! I STILL haven't planted our garden...ahhhh!! Looks like you guys are having fun!
I love Lukas's picture of him smiling in the little FBI shirt--what a cuties! His hair is so funny--love it! That's a great idea just to go up and spend a whole day in the mountains! I seriously need to do that!
Sounds like a fabulous holiday weekend...especially since Beau was off on Monday, even better. Love the pics...miss all you guys.
Your little guy is so darn handsome and what black hair he it.
love and hugs
Oh my goodness.. Lukes hair is adorable! I loved school too, but not THAT much :) What a cutie pie!
Bonnie, it's so good to see your life unfold like a new rose everytime I read your blog. You are a ray of sunshine kid! I glad you are so blessed.
Very cute! I love Lukas' old man hair. It is so dang cute on him. I miss you. And I am so glad you had a good memorial day weekend!!!
Wow! Makes me wish I were there to hang out with you. Miss you!
Oh, and you wear the weight WAY better than Santa.
So fun! What a great idea to do a "day" camping trip! It is so much work to stay over night!
I'm glad that you got to enjoy your hubby for a long weekend!!! It always seemed like those were very Rare to get!!! And... Savannah... I won't vote for your school policies... (well it depends on how the kids are behaving... hmmm) ;)
What a fun weekend! I am glad you guys had fun. And what a better way than to spend it with friends and family. Luke is adorable! I love the new Blog header picture too!
Sounds like a great weekend! Glad Beau was home for it!
I can't believe how much Lukas has grown he is getting so big.. it is not fair!! What a great weekend
We're lovin' the black do. What a cutie.
We're lovin' Lukas' new DO! What a little cutie. I can't wait to hold the tiny guy!
I am always shocked at the number of comments, wow! Aubrie's last day of school is today and she has been emotional all morning. Looks like the bbq was a lot of fun and I loved the pics of Luke...what a cutie!! Hope you are doing great!
thanx for always commenting on my blog! you're sweet and i love it:) i actually didn't take the pics of my little niece. i think we'll be down that way the 2nd thru the 8th. i'll let ya know fo sure! it'd be awesome if we could at least squeeze some lunch in or something!
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