Here is my little motorcycle dude! The second Caleb gets home from school he jumps on his motorbike and cruises around. He makes his own jumps. And has gotten pretty darn good at skidding his tires!
He is such a daredevil too!
(Here he is getting some AIR!)

He is such a daredevil too!
(Here he is getting some AIR!)
And a video clip of him jumping!
My Mom was able to come and stay with us for eight days after the baby arrived. What a blessing!
She was such a big help. She took the kids to and from school everyday, let me nap and just worry about the baby .
I have no clue what I would do without this amazing women in my life. She is a very special and unique mother in so many ways. She is always putting others before herself and is one of the most selfless people I know!
Thank you Mom for all you do.
Beau and I talk about how lucky we both are for all the help you continually give to us!!
We love you!!
Here is a slide show of just random pictures of the kids!
She was such a big help. She took the kids to and from school everyday, let me nap and just worry about the baby .
I have no clue what I would do without this amazing women in my life. She is a very special and unique mother in so many ways. She is always putting others before herself and is one of the most selfless people I know!
Thank you Mom for all you do.
Beau and I talk about how lucky we both are for all the help you continually give to us!!
We love you!!
Here is a slide show of just random pictures of the kids!
Wow- 1st one to comment on Bonnie's blog is like getting an award! He He. The new little on is adorable. It's great you have such a wonderful mom to help you out. I am so glad you were well taken care of.
Cute pics Bon! I've been out of the blogging loop for months, so I just saw that you had your baby. Congrats! He was born on my birthday, I see. He's sure to turn out great then. ha! I hope you're feeling well.
Love ya
Bonnie, What cute kids you have. I enjoyed myself when I was down there thank you for your hospitality.Give the kids all hugs and kisses for me. Love you guys....MOM
Bonnie, What cute kids you have. I enjoyed myself when I was down there thank you for your hospitality.Give the kids all hugs and kisses for me. Love you guys....MOM
You have such a cute family! I agree with you...your mom is an awesome lady!
I love the pictures you have taken. The pics of Ali are great!
I'm so glad your mom will take the time to come down and help you out so much. Cute Caleb on the bike. Looks like you've found a past time for the boys in the Bunnell household:) You know what scares me about that? He's Kelsey's age and the thought of Kelsey doing such stunts scares the bageebers out of me.
And that little Lukas is so perfect! You guys seriously know how to make cute kids!! I'm glad you're all doing well. Sorry-- I had a lot to say this time apparently.
That is so great your mom could come to help you out - I'm terrified of number 4!! I don't know how you can even watch that little boy jump like that! All the protective instincts revolt against it!! He does look adorable in that helmet though.
Oh, those pictures with your mom and Lukas are so precious! You definitely have a great mom. I always feel privileged to live by you guys growing up. She is a wonderful woman! I'm so glad she got to come and help. That Caleb is a dare devil. How fun for him!
I love the pics on your photog blog. Alison is so beautiful. She pulls that short, spiky hair cut off so well. I tried to. But I didn't look as good as she does! Love the nature pics, too.
Sounds like you're doing well. Hope all is good!
Shnood, you are such a handsome little dare devil!
I was so glad that mom got to go and help you. She really is a blessing.That Lukas is so sweet Bonnie! His looks are already changing. I miss you and love you!
Brigham and Truman could watch Caleb jumping his bike over and over--it's so cool, Bon! And that Lukas is just such a cutie, Bon. I'm so glad Mom was able to come and help so much with your other kids!
Mom? How come you didn't leave a comment in ALL CAPS THIS TIME? Hahahahaha!
What Cute kids you have!!! I am so glad your mom was able to come and help you out. It is such a special time for you and Lukas! I love and miss ya!
So cute! I was wondering if you would do a session for us of Brady and Kinlee when you were feeling up to it aain! That video of caleb is crazy it would make me scared to what a great family!!
Good thing for great moms! I love the pictures of your little guy so adorable!
You kids are just too cute! I wish I was able to get my kids into dirt bikeing and so on, just no money when you move non stop! lol
miss you!!!!
Cress Creek is just up by Heise. Pretty close huh?
that was fun watching caleb ride his bike. He knows his bike well. What a cute little man u guys have. U have been blessed with a wonderful mom.
What a cute little guy. I just stumbled upon you and your sisters' DI blog. That is so fun, I think I need to start a "find" blog with my sisters. Love it!
Such cute pictures! What a sweet baby!
Your mom is great! Such fun pictures. Congrats again on making such a cute baby.
Thanks for the addition to your fun and creative blog. I am now a follower of yours.
We do have the best mom ever don't we? I cannot wait to see little baby lukas and to kiss his little cheeks! I miss you so much! Come visit soon!
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