We had such a great birth experience. I found out Monday night that if we didn't have the baby by Thursday, we would lose all of our vacation we had saved. So as you can imagine, I was beside myself. I prayed all day that something would happen and that we wouldn't lose Beau's time to be home and help me. It just so happened that Beau had a job at my Mid-wife's house on Monday night. He totally helped them out and kept telling my Mid-Wife's husband that she needed to induce me or break my water. Later on Monday night I got a call saying to be in her office at 7:50 am, the next morning. (Technically because I am a V-back after C-section I cannot be induced. It is against hospital policy. ) So I came in Tuesday morning and she said for me to go back into labor and delivery and if they could get me contracting on the monitor then she would break my water. I came home and Beau and I went on a vigorous walk for one hour and then went back in. Luckily I was contracting so she ran down and kept my labor going by breaking my water. (What a blessing and answer to our prayers.)

Lukas had the cord around is neck twice. But after a minute they were able to get him to breath and be just fine. I on the other hand started dry-heaving and my temp. sky-rocketed to 104. I couldn't stop shaking and felt so weak. I tried so hard to keep my eyes open, but just couldn't. They gave me medicine and it knocked me out until around 8:30 PM. So I missed the first few hours of his little life. But Beau made sure to hold him and cuddle him lots!

The kids just love him to death! I was so worried about how Kennedy would react and now I wonder why I worried at all. She has been so sweet and loving towards him! They all can't get enough of him!

We feel soooo blessed! I have always found such joy in being a mother and a women. And I have always felt the over whelming love of a Heavenly Father who is mindful of me and my family! And once again, I feel so overwhelmed and rich with blessings! My little family has brought me more happiness then I could ever think possible! My heart feels, literally, like it might explode with love and gratitude. I know our lives are going to be that much more special and beautiful with this new little guy that has been entrusted to us!
Could life get any better?
Could life get any better?