The sweetest things in life, aren't things......

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hospital/ Birth Experience

We had such a great birth experience. I found out Monday night that if we didn't have the baby by Thursday, we would lose all of our vacation we had saved. So as you can imagine, I was beside myself. I prayed all day that something would happen and that we wouldn't lose Beau's time to be home and help me. It just so happened that Beau had a job at my Mid-wife's house on Monday night. He totally helped them out and kept telling my Mid-Wife's husband that she needed to induce me or break my water. Later on Monday night I got a call saying to be in her office at 7:50 am, the next morning. (Technically because I am a V-back after C-section I cannot be induced. It is against hospital policy. ) So I came in Tuesday morning and she said for me to go back into labor and delivery and if they could get me contracting on the monitor then she would break my water. I came home and Beau and I went on a vigorous walk for one hour and then went back in. Luckily I was contracting so she ran down and kept my labor going by breaking my water. (What a blessing and answer to our prayers.)

We went in at 9:30 and had him at 5:21 PM. Unfortunately he was posterior so although I was contracting, it took longer cause the little guy didn't want to flip. ( I forgot to get pictures of my midwife, so I will at my 6 week check up. She is awesome!)

Lukas had the cord around is neck twice. But after a minute they were able to get him to breath and be just fine. I on the other hand started dry-heaving and my temp. sky-rocketed to 104. I couldn't stop shaking and felt so weak. I tried so hard to keep my eyes open, but just couldn't. They gave me medicine and it knocked me out until around 8:30 PM. So I missed the first few hours of his little life. But Beau made sure to hold him and cuddle him lots!

My fever broke at 5 the next morning. Thank goodness and I started feeling better. They ran all sorts of tests but luckily nothing was abnormal. Beau called a friend the night before and had him run to give me a blessing. I know it was from that blessing that I healed so quickly!

The kids just love him to death! I was so worried about how Kennedy would react and now I wonder why I worried at all. She has been so sweet and loving towards him! They all can't get enough of him!

Here are some more pictures of his first few days of life!! He is so chubby, content, cute, and hungry!:)

We feel soooo blessed! I have always found such joy in being a mother and a women. And I have always felt the over whelming love of a Heavenly Father who is mindful of me and my family! And once again, I feel so overwhelmed and rich with blessings! My little family has brought me more happiness then I could ever think possible! My heart feels, literally, like it might explode with love and gratitude. I know our lives are going to be that much more special and beautiful with this new little guy that has been entrusted to us!

Could life get any better?

Friday, April 24, 2009

He's Here!!!

We are so happy to have this new little guy here with us!
He was born on Tuesday, April 21st. He weighed a whopping 8 lbs 11oz and is 21 inches long.
He is perfect in every way!
Our hearts feel like they are bursting at the seams with this new addition and the blessing of having four beautiful children!
Life is Beautiful!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Finshed Project-Dresser

So I finished the dresser, It was quick and easy. And I am in Love with the end results!


I think my kind of nesting isn't cleaning...I think my kind of nesting is painting, sanding, and refurbishing. It consumes my thoughts! I find my once a week DI visit has turned into , well, a lot more than once a week! HA!

(ready for your close-up MR. Chest of Drawers?)

I painted the chest-of-drawers Ottertail from Kilz. I had left over paint from my family room. I gave it a thick "one-coater" and then sanded it down. I wanted to see the white underneath and the wood to give it a vintage/ antique feel. Then I stained Ebony stain over that. Let it cure for twenty minutes and wiped it down. I kept the little knobs for the top two drawers and spray painted them black, then just bought cheap Wal-mart knobs for the other drawers and spray painted those black also!

Here is the end result~

It has given me plenty of room for Caleb and the new baby's things!

Also, for those of you who tried the detergent recipe, my cousin sent me one for Dish washer detergent.

Dish washer Detergent
~just use equal parts of washing soda to Borax
(Example....mix 2 cups Borax and two cups washing soda)
Use two tablespoons per load.

for rinseaid

Use vinegar instead of jetdry!

She said it worked great! So I thought I would pass it along and give it a try also!

Monday, April 13, 2009

~What we have been up to~

Our cat had kittens.
One died, but these two little fellas survived!!

New fireplace rock!
We are so grateful to our friend Jake for all his hard work!
This is the before picture of my nasty orange brick!

Jake working hard

Beau watching Jake work hard~ HA!

Finished project!!
(We still need to seal coat it and in this picture the grout is still drying.So it is a little darker than it really is. I will take more pictures again soon!)
I keep staring at it!! It turned out soooooo beautiful!! I LOVE IT!!!!!

Preparing for Easter

Easter Morning.
My mom made these cute Easter dresses the girls are wearing!

The kids made their own teeter-totter. heehee

New Project...
I found this goodie on Thurs. @ the DI!
I am almost I will post the end result soon!

And of course, still waiting.......we want this little guy to get here soon!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Caleb's 6th Birthday

We celebrated Caleb's sixth birthday last week. I can't believe our handsome little stud is already six. It seems like just yesterday he was being placed in my arms at the hospital and all I could do was smile and stare at him!

Caleb has brought so much joy and laughter to our family! He is always saying the funniest things and making sure that I am always well taken care of!

We love our 'little buddy" so much and couldn't imagine our lives without him! He is so excited to have a brother and share a birthday month with him!

( He promised to smile well for the camera if I took one picture of him being silly! This is sooooo him!)

Here are some pictures from his birthday party he had also. This was his first "Friend" party he has ever had and he LOVED every minute of it!!