We had so much fun in Idaho!
I am so lucky to have the worlds greatest mother who came and got me early, so I could spend a few extra days there too!
We mostly relaxed and hung out at my mom's house.
My sisters and I watched movies, beaded, went to D.I., laughed, talked, and just had a great time.
~Some of my fav picture highlights~
Make over day with Grandma, sisters, and mom.
I love her so much. She is such a good women!

Shopping w/ Grandma. Also a DI fashion show find!
Check more of it out here!

Lunch after shopping.
Teasing my Gramps....and stylin' his hair!
Watching my Grandpa tell kids stories!
This picture is so priceless!
And of course enjoying all of my beautiful neices and nephews.
I wish I would have gotten more pictures of all of them! Here are a few.....

And of course, sharing with them my sweet kiddos. Especially this lil' one they don't know to well!