The sweetest things in life, aren't things......

Friday, October 31, 2008

New Pictures

Check em' out!! Click HERE!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kids say the Darnest things....

(Sorry~ I added a new one at the bottom that Caleb just said!)

Sorry I have been boring lately with my posts and they have been few. But until this sickness passes I am afraid this is what is in store. Hopefully these funny things my kids have said will get you laughing.

Kennedy (3 years old)

Me, on the way to my friends Ana's house: "Kennedy did you know that Ana had her baby and Brennen now has a little sister?"

Kenny: " Oh mommy, is Jesus going to buy her another baby like you?"


Kenny: "I have a baby in my tummy too mom. Mine is coming out."
(she is convinced she is pregnant also)


Savanah: "Mom I know what police dogs favorite chew toys are?"

Me: " WHAT?"

Savanah: "BAD GUYS" (then she proceeded to break into the bad boy theme song from COPS)


Caleb and Savanah were arguing on the way home in van. They started insulting each other by calling names like meany face, loser, etc. I then heard Caleb say:

Caleb: " Savanah you are being such a drug"

Savanah took complete insult to this comment and started crying. HA! I thought it was funny because they have had "Red Ribbon Week" all week at school, and have been learning about things that are bad like drugs.

Hope you had a good laugh. I have got to do better at writing these down so I don't forget!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fun new Sessions

NEW photo shoots on my Photography blog. To check them out click here!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Nephew, Husband, and Hair

O.K. so first of all Congratulations to my baby sister, Katie and her hubby Cameron, who are now parents to this cute little guy!


How in the heck can I wait so long to get to see him? I may have to make a trip sooner than expected!!

Next, Can I just brag a minute about how fabulous my husband is?(Yes I said Brag, and that is what I intend to do!!) I mean really!! He is the best daddy! Saturday morning he let me sleep in. Our van needed fixed (new water pump) and he had decided to do. When I got up in the morning, this is what I found outside~

He had bundled up Caleb and they were fixing the van together! Too Precious!!

Also, Kennedy was sick this weekend so we split church up. He let me go to Sacrament and the first block, and then we switched so he could teach priesthood. When I came home, this is how I found him with Kennedy! It was too cute! He had been cuddling her all morning!

And finally, Savanah kept asking me last night to paint her nails. I wasn't feeling to great and kept asking her to wait. I came downstairs to this~

He is a good nail painter too! He will probably kill me for telling you this, but when I am prego and get to the point I can't bend to reach my toes, he does them!!


And now on to the "Ragging". Many have asked me how I do Savanah's hair in those tight curly que's. I have tried to explain but I know it is confusing. So here is a step by step guide to ragging! It is as easy as foam rollers, just a different type of curl!

Step one- cut fabric strips an inch thick twice as long as your daughters hair. You will probably want to cut at least twelve depending on your child's hair thickness.

Step two-
(Watch video)

(have your daughter hold the top of fabric, wrap hair around the fabric(I do section of about an inch thick of hair), then wrap fabric around the hair, until all the hair is "ragged". Have daughter sleep on ragged hair.)

Step three- (next day)
(Watch video)

(Untie fabric. Pull fabric to unravel from hair, then pull fabric completely out)

Hair should look like this when all the rags are out

Step Four- Next run your fingers a few times through each tight long curl. It should frizz out and create tight knotty looking curls like this-

Step Five (Last step)
Style and enjoy

The best things about this way to curl hair, is it isn't damaging. The curls stay so well that this style can be used two days. I usually style the hair down the first day and the second day toss into a high ponytail. The curls are so resilient!

I hope this helps those who have asked how I do this. If not call or email me and I will walk you through it again, or come and help!!

Friday, October 10, 2008


A little about our kiddos

Savanah is at the top of her class. She is very responsible little girl. She does her homework when she gets home. She is also very observant. For instance, if her class is learning about bats, she runs homes and finds her bat book, then reads all about bats, and takes the book to school to share. This week they were learning about spiders and she really wanted to find one and put in a jar to share with her class. We were able to find one and she was so excited.

She is taking Piano lessons and loves it. We asked her what she wanted to do this year. I thought for sure she would continue with dance but she checked out an instrument book from the library and decided she wanted to play the piano. Thanks to my mom we have a piano for her to practice on. She sent it down for Savanah when Hanna and Chris came here. THANKS MOM!!!! She is so good at it already. I thought it would be hard, but so far she has done great.

Savanah is our kind hearted child. At parent teacher conferences her teacher kept saying how kind she was to everyone in the class and how everyone loved her. We are so proud of her. She is such a sweet girl and always concerned for others. She never forgets to pray at night to "Please help mommy to not be sick. I hate to see her sad and sick. Help our baby to grow healthy and mommy too." It chokes me up every time.

Caleb is also loving school. He can recite tons of rhymes and poems and has already moved on to "sight word recognition. " He has made lots of friends too. He enjoys learning and loves both of his teachers. He loves the day that mommy helps in his class, he walks in so proud. It is cute.

He is such a boy. Anything that Beau is doing he wants to do. He wants to go paint balling with dad, dirt bike ride with dad, four wheel with dad, work in the yard with dad, do anything that his daddy is doing. He loves animals books. Each night before bed each child picks one book to read and he always chooses something about reptiles, dinosaurs, or insects. He is fascinated by bugs and is such a animal lover.

Caleb is very sweet to his sisters. He is a lot like mommy and has to eat a lot. As long as there is food in his belly, he is happy! He is also the most flexible boy I have ever seen! Sometime I will post is scary!:) We love him so much and couldn't imagine our lives without him.

Kennedy is our cute little monster. She has been the baby for so long that she still gets spoiled. She has such a lively personality. She loves her daddy too. She stands guard at the door so he can't leave in the mornings. She loves to jump on the trampoline, play dress up, get into my makeup non-stop, have her hair done, change her clothes several thousands times a day. She is definitely a girlie girl, but also as rough as a tom boy.

She loves Thursdays when we get to volunteer in Caleb's class. She packs her backpack and sits and colors the whole time. She loves school and thinks she is big when she gets to go. She also loves the DI as much as I do. She asks all the time to go there. HA!

Kennedy loves her brother and sister and will do anything to please them. She loves the endless piggy backs they give her. She is such a Cutie Pie. She has the best vocabulary for a child her age and can carry on conversations like you wouldn't believe! She is also very sweet and loving. I don't know what we would do without her! We love her so much!

Also, I forgot to show you this video of the Savanah telling Caleb we were having a baby. Listen carefully to his response. It is hilarious! Also his face when he stands up is classic. Sorry it is kind of dark!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


~You Know Your Pregnant When~
(ten reasons I MUST BE pregnant)

  • 1. You find the Phone in the fridge.

  • 2. You have been better friends with the toilet than an actual human being! (HA)

  • 3. You brush your teeth with face wash (that looks nothing like toothpaste) and wonder why the toothpaste taste bad.

  • 4. You forget everything. Even though I am a list person and it is written down in front of me.

  • 5. Your house looks like a tornado hit!

  • 6. You wash the same batch of laundry three times before you realize you haven't changed it.

  • 7. You obsess over your "Muffin dream" all day and daydream about muffins.

  • 8. You crave homemade bread and finally get around to baking some at 9pm at night, and don't get to enjoy a slice until 11pm.

  • 9. You crave chicken enchiladas and they taste so good until you can't hold them down.

  • 10. Nothing ever sounds good to eat!!
  • Monday, October 6, 2008

    Conference Weekend

    I always feel like I spent a weekend at the spa after listening to conference. I feel motivated (which these days is needed), rejuvenated, goal oriented, and peaceful. I loved all of the talks and it is so hard to just choose a few favorites.

    For me personally, Elder Eyring's talk really stands out. I loved that he talked about "Unity, being peacemakers, using righteous judgment, and speaking well of others". I know I have said before that life is full of people who want to tear others down or belittle them. Life is hard enough without those who would want to buoy us up in the "ways of the world." But on the same note their are many people who are gentle, loving, and kind. Those who promote Unity is their thoughts and actions. It really gets me thinking, am I like this? How can I be like this? Do I speak well of others? I know I really can do so much better!!

    I also loved the Prophets talk on "Enjoying the Journey". He mentioned that soon the never ending pile of clothes, the dishes, and large amounts of housework, will soon go away. Meaning the time with our children is short and precious. It made me want to be a better mother! Try a little harder! Express continually to my children and husband how much I love them! It is easy to get caught up in life, but I do want to Enjoy the Journey! I have so many ways that I can and need to improve!

    When conference is done I feel like, although I am this imperfect person with so many flaws, the Lord loves me still. "I can do anything...", like the Relief Society Pres. said, "in the strength of the Lord."

    The Relief Society Pres. Counselor ( sorry I can't find my notes and her name has left me) talked about her conversion to the gospel. How so many were affected by her decision. It made me want to share more experiences from my own life. Wouldn't it be fun if every Fast Sunday we all shared something that has strengthened us. Blogging is also for sharing our beliefs and I share a lot about my family and what we do, but maybe not enough about my love for my Savior and the gospel! And I definitely want to more! I hesitate often in sharing experiences because they are personal, but if others can benefit from our sharing our flaws, our learning experiences, and those times that help us to grow, don't we all benefit?

    Sorry I know I am just rambling....but I have a lot on my mind! I loved conference so much! I love the Lord. He has bestowed so many tender mercies upon me and my little family. He is loving and forgiving. I know the the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. It is something I have always believed through my parents teachings, but it is something I KNOW from my own personal experience to be true! Maybe sometime I will share my own experience of how I prayed to know myself!

    Just curious, but what were your favorite Conference talks? What stood out for you?

    Sunday, October 5, 2008

    Hot Dog Anyone?

    My children often have nightmares and I find them tapping my shoulder, in the middle of the night, wanting to crawl into bed with me. I try to comfort them and then make them a bed on the floor, or tell them to go back to their room. It is a pretty common occurrence and usually their nightmares are pretty scary.

    Well it just so happened Savanah came in my bedroom the other night (it is mostly Caleb or Kennedy). She tapped my shoulder and told me she "had a bad dream." I told her it was ok and that she needed to go lay back down. But she was obviously still scared, so I crawled out of bed and made her a bed on the floor.

    In the morning I asked her what she dreamed about. She shook her head no and didn't want to expound on last nights terrors. But I told her to tell me and we could talk about it. I finally coaxed it out of her. Here is her dream in her words~

    " I was playing hide-n-go seek with Chandler. (this is her cousin) We found a really good place to hide and Caleb was looking for us. When he found us, he thought we were giant hot dogs and ate us."

    At this point she teared up and I seriously had to turn my head to hold back the laughter. That was it! That was the dream? No goblins, or bad men, or monsters? Beau comforted her as we both tried hard to compose ourselves. I usually feel sympathetic and did, it is just that her "nightmare" took me by surprise!!

    I had to write this one down. It is one I don't want to forget and I am sure when I tell her when she is older we will have a lot to laugh about! HA

    Also, I finally has some time to post another Photography session I did last Wednesday! Click here!