I feel overwhelmed when I think about my children.
Not overwhelmed, like I can't handle them, but overwhelmed that they are mine. That the Lord has entrusted me with me. I love that, although they are getting older, each one still enjoys to cuddle. They let me still hug and kiss them!
(o.k. maybe tolerate me )
I enjoy their laughter, their tears, their unique personalities, and the way they do things. I also enjoy going in their rooms every night, while they are sleeping, to stroke my hand through their hair and whisper in their ears how much I love them!
Even though they are sleeping and maybe can't hear me, I do it anyways.
I love watching them each sleep for a few minutes.
In those quiet, still moments I am completely overwhelmed with God's love for me and them!
He has to love me so much to entrust me with these four beautiful children!
I love that they are all mine!
That I get to be their mother!
I feel overwhelmingly blessed!